
Add Google Custom Search feature in BackBee

bundle, google, customsearch, BackBee, cse, google-custom-search, search-engine



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GoogleCustomSearchBundle adds Google Custom Search feature in BackBee (v1.1.1 min). It provides:

  • a simple search engine handled by javacript from Google,
  • and a fully customizable API search engine.

This bundle support multi-sites instances.


Edit the file composer.json of your BackBee project.

Add the new dependency to the bundle in the require section:

# composer.json
    "require": {
        "lp-digital/gcse-bundle": "~1.0"

Save and close the file.

Run a composer update on your project.


Edit the file repository/Config/bundles.ymlof your BackBee project.

Add the following line at the end of the file:

# bundles configuration - repository/Config/bundles.yml
gcse: LpDigital\Bundle\GoogleCustomSearchBundle\GoogleCustomSearch

Save and close the file.

Depending on your configuration, cache may need to be clear.

Configuration and use

To use Google Custom Search on your project, the administrative panel of the bundle will ask you:

  • a Custom Search engine ID,
  • a Google key developer.

To get them, you need at first to create an instance of a Custom Search Engine.

Then, from the Google control panel, get your newly created Custom Search engine ID. Copy paste it in the administrative panel.

Finally, copy/paste your Google API developer key for authentication (can be got and created on the Developer Console).

This project is supported by Lp digital

Lead Developer : @crouillon

Released under the GPL3 License