
MetaSerializer php library.



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Production ready simple and flexible PHP serializer and deserializer. Support array, ArrayObject, nested objects and associative arrays.


composer require meta-serializer/meta-serializer


Control serialization/deserialization by phpdoc @annotations or by field-related class methods. Methods have a higher priority. Class attributes for serialization/deserialization must be public.


  • support special phpdoc annotations: @ignore, @ignoreNull and @renameTo (see example);
  • override onRecursiveObjectReferenceDetected if need (throws exception by default);
  • override serializeValue to support additional types;
  • catch MetaSerializerException to detect deserialization errors.


  • use type from @var phpdoc (specify full class name with namespace like \MyNamespace\MyNestedClass or \DateTime);
  • support special phpdoc annotations: @ignore, @optional and @sourceName (see example);
  • override onNoValueProvided if need (throws exception by default);
  • override onNotNullableValueIsNull if need (throws exception by default);
  • override deserializeValueNotNullableType to support additional types;
  • \DateTime supported from string (in format suatable for \DateTime constructor) or number (unix timestamp);
  • catch MetaDeserializerException to detect deserialization errors.


class MyClass
     * @var int|null This is a nullable integer.
    public $a = 5;
     * Using field-related methods.
    public $b = "str";
    protected function b__toJson(array &$data, string $prop, MetaSerializer $ser) { $data['myJsonFieldName'] = $this->b . "InJson"; }
    protected function b__fromJson(array $data, string $prop, MetaDeserializer $des) { $this->b = $data['myJsonFieldName']; }
     * Using phpdoc annotations.
     * @var string
     * @toJson_ignoreNull
     * @toJson_renameTo fieldC
     * @fromJson_optional
     * @fromJson_sourceName fieldC
    public $c = "thisIsC";


$serializer = new MetaSerializer("__toJson", "toJson_");
$data = $serializer->serializeObject(new MyClass()); 
// data: [ "a" => 5, "myJsonFieldName" => "strInJson", "fieldC" => "thisIsC" ]


$deserializer = new MetaDeserializer("__fromJson", "fromJson_");

// object will be created by deserializeObject(), so
// it must has constructor with no/default parameters
$obj = $deserializer->deserializeObject($data, MyClass::class); 
// obj: MyClass { a:5, b:"strInJson", c:"thisIsC" }

// manually object creating
$obj = new MyClass();
$deserializer->deserializeObjectProperties($data, $obj);