
Configurable consumer for RESTful API's

api, restful, laravel


API Consumer

Latest Version MIT Licensed Total Downloads


The api-consumer package allows you to create simple endpoint wrappers for RESTful API's.


You can install this package via composer:

composer require mpemburn/api-consumer

The package will automatically register the service provider ApiConsumerProvider.

Next, you will need to publish the package in order to copy api-consumer.php into your config directory:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mpemburn\ApiConsumer\ApiConsumerProvider"

How to use


The package will add the file config/api-consumer.php to your project. This returns an array containing the keys and variables used by the endpoint classes you'll create to consume one or more RESTful APIs. The format will look like this:

'shopify' => [
    'base_uri' => '',
    'username' => '5ac3bd00f1ebc6a65caa4c0a6a3b1555',
    'password' => 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

To make this more secure, you should store the actual variables in your .env file:


...and reference them like this:

'shopify' => [
    'base_uri' => '',
    'username' => env('SHOPIFY_USERNAME'),
    'password' => env('SHOPIFY_PASSWORD')

You can add as many API's as you need to the config file, as long as each has the API name (i.e., 'shopify' in this instance) at top-level of the array.

Class Structure

While there's no absolute requirement to structure your class files this way, the suggested heirarchy is:

│   │   
│   └───Shopify
│       │   ShopifyEndpoint
│       │   CreateProduct
│       │   GetProducts
│       │   ...
│       Discourse
│       │   DiscourseEndpoint
│       │   CreateUser
│       │   GetUsers
│       │   ...

Primary Classes

Each primary class (e.g., ShopifyEndpoint, DiscourseEndpoint above) needs to extend this package's AbstractEndpoint class. Individual endpoints then extends its primary class. For example:


namespace App\Api\Shopify;

use Mpemburn\ApiConsumer\Endpoints\AbstractEndpoint;

class ShopifyEndpoint extends AbstractEndpoint
    public function __construct()

        $this->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

    public function getApiName(): string
        return 'shopify';

It's important to return the exact same name from getApiName() that you specified in the api-consumer config file.

NOTE: No headers are assumed, so you should add them in the constructor as shown above.

Endpoint Classes

An individual endpoint should be structured like this:


namespace App\Api\Shopify;

class GetProducts extends ShopifyEndpoint
    public function getRequestType(): ?string
        return 'GET';

    public function getEndpoint(): ?string
        return '/products.json';

    public function getRequestName(): ?string
        return 'Get CreateProduct';

To create a POST endpoint:


namespace App\Api\Shopify;

class CreateProduct extends ShopifyEndpoint
    public function getRequestType(): ?string
        return 'POST';

    public function getEndpoint(): ?string
        return '/products.json';

    public function getRequestName(): ?string
        return 'Create Product';

    public function create(array $product): void