
A PHP framework that supports openswoole/workerman/cli-server/FPM environments.

Flexible, php framework, fpm, workerman, openswoole, mpie


Mpie Framework Starter

Lightweight • Simple • Fast

A componentized lightweight PHP framework that supports swoole, workerman, and FPM environments. It can be used for API development, which is convenient and fast. The framework has the session and view extensions installed by default, and can be removed directly if not needed.

Environmental requirements

- PHP >= 8.0
- ext-ctype
- ext-dom
- ext-filter
- ext-json
- ext-libxml
- ext-mbstring
- ext-openssl
- ext-openswoole
- ext-pcntl
- ext-pdo
- ext-phar
- ext-redis
- ext-tokenizer
- ext-xml
- ext-xmlwriter

If you use openswoole, be sure to install version 4.8 or above, if you use workerman, be sure to use version 4.0 or above



composer create-project mpie22/framework:dev-main

Start the service

swoole service

php bin/openswoole.php // asynchronous mode
php bin/openswoole-co.php // coroutine mode

workerman service

php bin/workerman.php start

Built-in services

php bin/cli-server.php

FPM mode, direct the request to public/index.php

the difference

Using swoole/workerman to support annotations, AOP and other features, FPM mode can directly uninstall AOP packages.

Getting started

route definition

Annotation definitions can be used under swoole/swooleco/workerman


namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Http\Response;
use Mpie\Routing\Annotation\Controller;
use Mpie\Routing\Annotation\GetMapping;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

#[Controller(prefix: '/')]
class IndexController
    #[GetMapping(path: '/')]
    public function index(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        return Response::HTML('Hello, ' . $request->query('name', 'MpiePHP!'));

The above request will point to the index method, the controller method supports dependency injection, if you need an example of the current request, the request parameter name must be request, other routing parameters will be injected, the controller method An instance of ResponseInterface needs to be returned.

Annotations cannot be used under FPM or built-in services

Route definitions are defined in the map method of the App\Http\Kernel class

$router->middleware(TestMiddleware::class)->group(function(Router $router) {
    $router->get('/', [IndexController::class, 'index']);
    $router->get('/test', function(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) {
        return \App\Http\Response::HTML('new');
