mongo odm
Simple Mongo ODM library.
Add package to your require section in the composer.json file.
composer require mrsuh/mongo-odm:2.*
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ODM\Document\Document;
use ODM\DocumentManager\DocumentManagerFactory;
* @ODM\Collection(name="alphabet")
class Alphabet extends Document {
* @ODM\Field(name="language", type="string")
private $language;
* @ODM\Field(name="words", type="Word[]")
private $words;
* Alphabet constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->words = [];
* @return string
public function getLanguage()
return $this->language;
* @param string $language
* @return $this
public function setLanguage(string $language)
$this->language = $language;
return $this;
* @return Word[]
public function getWords()
return $this->words;
* @param Word $word
* @return $this
public function addWord(Word $word)
$this->words[] = $word;
return $this;
class Word {
* @ODM\Field(name="name", type="string")
private $name;
* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* @param string $name
* @return $this
public function setName(string $name)
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
$dbal = new DBAL('', 27017, 'test');
$dm_alphabet = (new DocumentManagerFactory($dbal))->init(Alphabet::class);
$alphabet = new Alphabet();
foreach(['a', 'b', 'c'] as $word_name) {
$word = new Word();
$alphabet_from_db = $dm_alphabet->findOne(['_id' => $alphabet->getId()]);
echo $alphabet_from_db->getLanguage() . ' alphabet words: ' . PHP_EOL;
foreach($alphabet_from_db->getWords() as $word) {
echo 'word ' . $word->getName() . PHP_EOL;
- bool
- integer
- string
- float
- array
- integer[]
- string[]
- float[]
- \Obj
- \Obj[]