
Extensions to Yii's form objects to help with view rendering.

form, helper, render, yii, element


Yii Forms

Version: 2.0.1

A collection of component classes for Yii forms to provide cross-theme rendering of form inputs, without having to know the types of inputs that were defined in form configuration files. Since version 2.0.0 this repository is a Composer library package installable via Packagist. Simply add it as a dependancy of your projects with composer require mynameiszanders/yii-forms:2.* or add the following to your composer.json configuration file:

"require": {
    "mynameiszanders/yii-forms": "2.*"

To use, simply use application\components\Form rather than CForm when creating an instance of the form builder. You might also want to read the dummies guide for building forms with the new classes. It's not great, and that's because I hate writing documentation (source comments, baby!) and managed to knock this out in 4 hours.

If you want to rename application\components\ActiveForm, make sure to update the reference in application\components\Form::activeForm.


It adds the methods:

  • application\components\ActiveForm::input()
  • application\components\ActiveForm::button()
  • application\components\ActiveForm::hint()

And extends the methods: