
OAS, Open API Specification Generator.

framework, cli, console, laravel, specification, openapi, Laravel Zero


Build Status

OAS is OpenAPI Specification generator. It will help to simplify generate your OAS from given database.


Create a new OAS

$ php oas make:oas 1.0 

This will create a new OAS under storage/oas/1.0. You should have the following directory structure:

Create a new OAS Schema

$ php oas make:schema 1.0 table_name --connection=database_connection_name

You need to specifiy --connection option if you planning on using other than default connection - sqlite

This will generate a new tag under storage/oas/1.0/components/schemas directory.

Create a new OAS Tag

$ php oas make:tag 1.0 "Name of the tag" "Description of the tag"

This will generate a new tag under storage/oas/1.0/tags directory.

Create a new Path

$ php oas make:path 1.0 get "Name of the tag" table_name operation_id --summary="Summary is optional, but best to have it together."

This will generate a new tag under storage/oas/1.0/paths directory.


OAS is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license.