Compress laravel logs to a zip file
This package allows you to compress or zip laravel logs with just one command.
This package can be used in Laravel 5 or higher.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ndarproj/laravel-logzip
- run this command if ever you encounter this error - Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736
composer self-update --2
Usage / Command
To compress all .log files inside the storage/logs folder run:
php artisan log:zip
Schedule / Automate laravel log compression / zip with PM2
Install pm2 with NPM. You can download NPM HERE
npm install pm2 -g
Download this FILE and place it inside your laravel root folder or create a new file and copy this code
module.exports = {
apps: [
name: 'log-zip',
interpreter: 'php',
script: 'artisan',
args: 'log:zip',
watch: false,
cron: '0 * * * *', // this would zip your logs hourly
autorestart: false,
Update cron field to change the schedule. Reference:
To run pm2
pm2 start logzip.config.js
#if you created your own file
pm2 start <filename>
If you need to change the name or allow deletion after compression, you can modify the config file.
You can publish config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ndarproj\\Logzip\\LogzipServiceProvider" --tag=config
This is the contents of the published config/rotate.php config file:
return [
| Filename
| This option defines what should be the compressed logs output filename.
'log_zip_filename' => 'laravel',
| Compression Enable
| This option defines if the logs must be compressed.
| set value to false to disable
'log_compress_files' => true,
| Delete Enable
| This option defines if the logs should be deleted after being compressed.
| set value to true to enable
'log_delete' => true,
Any contributions are welcome.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.