
Symfony2(3) bundle integration with 七牛 (Qiniu) CDN service

Symfony2, bundle, qiniu, 七牛


This bundle aim is to help to work with 七牛 CDN service.

The work on bundle is in process, the documentation will be updated respectively.


composer require nnmer/qiniu-bundle

  1. At AppKernel.php add bundle:
 new Nnmer\QiniuBundle(),
  1. config.yml
    defaultBucket: a1
        - gaufrette
    buckets: # is an array of the buckets, later each of them will be available as a service. Should be at least 1 provided
        - a1
        - b2

Available services

NOTE: bucket's name in services being renamed from original name: all - arereplaces by _

After container is built available next services:

nnmer_qiniu.*_service , where * is each of the buckets

and nnmer_qiniu.service which is alias to the service with defaultBucket

if KnpGaufretteBundle is installed and nnmer_qiniu.initiateAdapters has gaufrette as array element then additional next services will be generate:

nnmer_qiniu.gaufrette_*_adapter where * is each of the buckets