Create a new project:
composer create-project --no-install numbers/skeleton [project directory]
Note: Composer must be installed on your system. Note: We skip vendor directory here by using --no-install option;
Build application:
Navigate to [project directory] and run following command:
make build
Note: By default application will be complied to run in production mode. You can use "make deployment_development" to compile it in development mode.
Setup host:
3.1) For single host applications add an entry to /etc/hosts like: [your domain]
3.2) For multi host application you need to install "dnsmasq" and add an entry to dnsmasq.conf file as follows:
address=/.[your domain]/ Note: For development you can add entry to process all domains that ends with .local: address=/.local/
Setup Apache:
4.1) Take [project directory]/conf/dev/vhosts.000.general.conf as a template and put it to apache configuration folder;
4.2) Take [project directory]/conf/dev/vhosts.100.your_domain.conf as a template and replace [your domain] with your domain, adjust directories as per your system and put it to your apache configuration folder;
4.3) Restart Apache
Create database and promote schema changes:
Framework provides two options to promote schema changes to database:
5.1) Direct schema changes, available commands: make schema_test make schema_commit make schema_drop
5.2) Migrations, available commands: make migration_code_test make migration_code_commit make migration_code_drop make migration_db_test make migration_db_commit make migration_db_rollback
Note: If you want to have migrations as mandatory promotion method you can set following setting in environment.ini file:
application.structure.db_migration = 1 In this case you cannot run schema commands and vise versa.
Note: you need to navigate to [project directory] to run make commands.
Run your application in a browser and enjoy.