Payvision PHP SDK
Codebase for Payvision PHP SDK
This is the official PHP SDK for the Payvision payment platform ( It can be used to make use of the following features of the Payvision API:
- Payments
- Make payment requests
- Make capture requests
- Make cancel requests
- Make refund requests
- Get transaction status updates
- Paymentlink
- Make new paymentlink
- Get status of existing paymentlink
- Cancel existing paymentlink
- Checkout
- Initialize new checkout
- Get checkout status
- Webhooks
- Convert RAW webhook data to the proper objects
This package can be installed using Composer:
composer require payvision/payvision-sdk-php
Initialize the API
To initialize the API Connection, refer to the following code snippet:
use Payvision\SDK\Infrastructure\ApiConnection;
$apiConnection = new ApiConnection(
ApiConnection::URI_TEST, // =URL to connect to, optional
false // debug mode, see debugging
Debugging the API
The API uses the Guzzle HTTP Client. The debug-property is passed through to the Guzzle Client. See for more information about debugging.
Creating a request
The PHP SDK is a direct reflection of how the JSON structure of the requests and responses are typically built for the Payvision API.
For example, a typical payment request to the Payvision API would require a JSON body like this:
"header" : {
"businessId" : "{businessId}"
"action" : "authorize",
"body" : {
"card" : {
"holderName" : "John Doe",
"number" : "4111111111111111",
"expiryMonth" : "03",
"expiryYear" : "2020"
"transaction" : {
"amount" : "1.00",
"brandId" : "1010",
"trackingCode" : "7F4BFD5D-55E4-4775-81F7-0784188876C7",
"currencyCode" : "EUR"
To create this identical request using the PHP SDK, you can use one of the composite builders:
use Payvision\SDK\Domain\Payments\Service\Builder\Composite\Payment\Request as PaymentRequestBuilder;
use Payvision\SDK\Domain\Payments\ValueObject\Payment\Request as PaymentRequest;
/** @var $paymentRequestBuilder PaymentRequestBuilder */
->setHolderName('John Doe')
$requestObject = $paymentRequestBuilder->build();
At this point, you have a PHP representation of the JSON object that is to be sent to the API, but it is not yet the actual request. For example: we still need to know the URL where it needs to be sent to, and what kind of response we can expect from the API.
To do this we need to transform our payment request to an API request:
use Payvision\SDK\Application\Payments\Service\RequestBuilder;
$apiRequest = RequestBuilder::newPayment($requestObject);
Now we have an API Request that we can execute using our API Connection:
$requestHeaders = []; // Optional request headers
$apiResponse = $apiConnection->execute($apiRequest, $requestHeaders);
About builders
It is strongly recommended that you always use the builders provided by the SDK to create your objects, and never directly instantiate them. The reason behind this is that the method signature of the constructor call of a value object can change quite often as the API specification grows. This can quickly lead to backward compatible breaking changes in your code. Builders overcome this problem by abstracting the creation of value objects. And they're also a lot cleaner to work with.
Handling an array as response
Some API endpoints will not return a single object, but rather an array of objects. The GET payments endpoint is an example of this.
In this case, where you as a developer know that you can expect an array
as a result, you need to use the ApiConnection::executeAndReturnArray()
instead of the execute()
$apiRequest = RequestBuilder::getPayments($businessId, $trackingCode);
$apiResponses = $apiConnection->executeAndReturnArray($apiRequest);
$apiResponse = $apiResponses[0]; // for example
Handling the responses
The $apiResponse
in the above example is an object of the type that is
defined in the request. To know what kind of type this is, you can use
If the API returns a non-2XX status, an exception is thrown of the type
. This exception has the
error object with more information about what went wrong:
try {
$apiResponse = $apiConnection->execute($apiRequest);
} catch (ErrorResponse $errorResponseException) {
/** \Payvision\SDK\Domain\Payments\ValueObject\Payment\Response $apiResponse */
$errorResponse = $errorResponseException->getErrorResponse();
Webhooks can also be handled by the SDK. In order to do so you need the following input data:
- The Event Signature (also known as a Json Web Token (JWT). This is sent in the header)
- The secret that is used to sign the JWT
- The body of the webhook (as string).
You can pass this data to the EventBuilder
service of the webhook:
use Payvision\SDK\Application\Reflection\JsonToObject;
use Payvision\SDK\Application\Webhook\Service\EventBuilder;
use Payvision\SDK\Domain\Webhook\Service\Validator;
$eventBuilderService = new EventBuilder(
new Validator(),
new JsonToObject()
$event = $eventBuilderService->generateEvent(
'event signature',
'json body'
Since the payload of the webhook event can be a variety of objects, the
cannot be type-hinted. So you might want to do some
extra checks on this:
$payload = $event->getPayload();
if ($payload instanceof \Payvision\SDK\Domain\Payments\ValueObject\Response\Request) {
If you don't want this (because it might miss auto-completion in your IDE because of this), you
can also use EventBuilder::generateDecoratedEvent()
to get a EventDecorator
that provides extra functionality so you don't have to guess what the
payload is:
$decoratedEvent = $eventBuilderService->generateDecoratedEvent(
'event signature',
'json body'
if ($decoratedEvent->getPayloadType() === \Payvision\SDK\Domain\Webhook\Service\EventDecorator::TYPE_PAYMENT) {
$payload = $decoratedEvent->getPaymentResponse();
The decorator also has some additional checks to make sure that the payload is known.
Developer information
If you want to analyze or improve this SDK, it's good to read the following information, targeted at developers:
The SDK is setup in a Domain Driven way. At the core are Value Objects, which are the stateless, immutable building blocks that are used in the API. Value Objects can have other value objects as child-properties.
Top-level Value Objects (like a Payment Request) are converted to API request objects, which are send to the API, which in turn returns a response object. Logic goes from bottom to top, dependencies go from top to bottom:
| Value Object | Example: Transaction, Bank, Card, etc.
| | These can be built manually, or by using the (composite) builders
Request Builder Builds request out of aggregate using reflection.
| Request |
API Client Does the request to the external API
Response Builder Generates a response object out of the API response data using reflection.
| Response | Example: PaymentResponse
If you have an issue or a feature request, feel free to create an issue. If you want to contribute to this code, you can send a pull request.