
PHP Content Repository implementation independant utilities

phpcr, contentrepository, cli


PHPCR Utilities

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Commands and implementations for common tasks for the PHP Content Repository (PHPCR) API.

If you are using or implementing PHPCR you probably want some of the things in here.

PHPCR Users: Note that your PHPCR implementation probably already bundles the utils.


This code is dual licensed under the MIT license and the Apache License Version 2.0. Please see the file LICENSE in this folder.


The utils bring you a couple of Commands you can use to interact with a PHPCR repository on the command line. Additionally we provide a couple of helper classes for common tasks.


There are a couple of useful commands to interact with a PHPCR repository.

To use the console, make sure you have initialized the git submodules of phpcr-utils, then copy cli-config.php.dist to cli-config.php and adjust it to your implementation of PHPCR. Then you can run the commands from the phpcr-utils directory with ./bin/phpcr NOTE: If you are using PHPCR inside of Symfony, the DoctrinePHPCRBundle provides the commands inside the normal Symfony console and you don't need to prepare anything special.

To get a list of the available commands, run bin/phpcr or set the commands up in your application. Running bin/phpcr help <command-name> outputs the documentation of that command.

Helper Classes

The helper classes provide implementations for basic common tasks to help users and implementers of PHPCR. They are all in the namespace PHPCR\Util


Used to manipulate paths. Implementations are recommended to use this, and applications also profit from it. Using dirname and similar file system operations on paths is not compatible with Microsoft Windows systems, thus you should always use the methods in PathHelper.


This helper has some generally useful methods like one to generate empty nt:unstructured nodes to make sure a parent path exists. It also provides some useful helper methods for implementations.


This little helper is mainly of interest for PHPCR implementers. It generates valid Universally Unique IDs and can determine whether a given string is a valid UUID. We recommend all implementations to use this implementation to guarantee consistent behaviour.


You can use ramsey/uuid library to generate UUIDs. In this case, install it using Composer and generating UUIDs will be taken over by ramsey/uuid.

QOM QueryBuilder

The QueryBuilder is a fluent query builder with method names matching the Doctrine QueryBuilder on top of the QOM factory. It is the easiest way to programmatically build a PHPCR query.

Query Object Model Converter

In the PHPCR\Util\QOM namespace we provide, implementation-independant code to convert between SQL2 and QOM. Sql2ToQomQueryConverter parses SQL2 queries into QOM . QomToSql2QueryConverter generates SQL2 out of a QOM.


This ItemVisitorInterface implementation is a basic implementation of crawling a PHPCR tree. You can extend it to define what it should do while crawling the tree.