
PHP Cayenne LPP encoder and decoder

cayennelpp, cayenne, lpp, ipso, lora, lorawan, sigfox, php


PHP Cayenne LPP encoder and decoder

Build Status

This library can encode and decode data stream for LoraWan and SigFox devices which use Cayenne LPP encoding.

Encoder exemple

$encoder = new CayenneLPP\Encoder;
$encoder->addTemperature(0, 20.0);
$encoder->addTemperature(1, 21.0);
$buffer = $encoder->getBuffer();
$size = $encoder->getSize();

Decoder exemple

The decoder implements the Countable interface. It's allow to known how many dataset are in the binary stream.

$decoded = new CayenneLPP\Decoder(hex2bin('00860070013AFFFF' . '0186FFFF0070013A'));
$nbChannels = count($decoded);

The decoder implements Iterator interface. Each item are array which contains the data channel index, the data type, and the data decoded.

$decoded = new CayenneLPP\Decoder(hex2bin('00860070013AFFFF' . '0186FFFF0070013A'));
$nbChannels = count($decoded);
foreach ($decoded as $data) {
  $channel = $data['channel'];
  $type = $data['type'];
  $data = $data['data'];