MCP Logger
Structured logging for Rocket Mortgage PHP projects.
We prefer structured log messages defined on top of PSR-3 Logger Interface to allow easier searching of log messages from our log provider.
This library shares some features with the popular PHP logging library Monolog, but we aim to keep this library small and simple and avoid unnecessary dependencies for our projects.
- Installation
- Components
- Usage
- Syslog Service
- Guzzle Service (For Guzzle 6)
- Null Service (To ignore messages)
- Log Message
Run the following commands.
composer require ql/mcp-logger ~4.0
Usage with Symfony
A symfony DI config is included with this library. This allows for easily including mcp logger components and using them within your app. Please Note: this uses the fluent PHP format which requires symfony ~3.4 or greater.
Add the following somewhere to your symfony DI yml configuration:
- resource: ../vendor/ql/mcp-logger/config/config.php
Then you can use the following services throughout your DI:
- PSR-3 logger- By default this uses the ErrorLog service (This should send errors to your web server by default).
- Message factory- Append additional default parameters to configure the factory.
See config/config.php for all the services and parameters available. Most parameters can be configured using environment variables.
Configure logger through the following parameters:
- Default message propertiesExample:
parameters: mcp_logger.default_properties: applicationID: 12345 serverEnvironment: staging
All other parameters can be specified through environment variables. If you are not familiar with using environment variables with Symfony DI: These require using the symfony/dotenv
component. If you do not use dotenv
, you can also statically set the config using a parameter such as env(MCP_LOGGER_CONFIG_NAME)
- one of[error_log, syslog, guzzle, null]
) -
- one of[json, line, xml]
) -
. Max allowed size of log properties. -
or blank. Break messages on newlines and send individually to your log service (Very useful for file-based logs). -
Configuring Line Serializer
- See LineSerializer for format. -
or blank.
Configuring Error Log
) -
- When usingFILE
, this must be a file path (blank by default).
Configuring Syslog
Configuring Guzzle
- HTTP endpoint to POST messages to.
Changing log service
To change the service used by the logger (if you do not want to use the default) simply change the variable in your .env
# ErrorLogService, This is the default
# GuzzleService
# SyslogService
# NullService
Changing log serializer
To change the serializer used by the logger (if you do not want to use the default) simply change the variable in your .env
# LineSerializer, This is the default
MCP_LOGGER_LINE_SERIALIZER_TEMPLATE="[{{ created }}] {{ severity }} : {{ message }}"
# JSONSerializer
# XMLSerializer
The MCP Logger consists of three main components:
To put things simply, a Serializer
serializes a Message
that is sent by a Service
. Additionally, several convenience classes are also available to make connecting the pieces easier.
use QL\MCP\Logger\Message\MessageFactory;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Serializer\JSONSerializer;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Service\SyslogService;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Logger;
// Basic setup, uses ErrorLog by default.
$logger = new Logger;
// To customize your options, build the factory and services and inject into the Logger.
$service = new SyslogService([
SyslogService::CONFIG_IDENT => 'mytestapp'
$serializer = new JSONSerializer;
$factory = new MessageFactory;
$factory->setDefaultProperty('applicationID', '123456');
$factory->setDefaultProperty('serverEnvironment', 'staging');
$factory->setDefaultProperty('serverHostname', 'mydevbox');
$loggerCustom = new Logger($service, $serializer, $factory);
// Send psr-3 logs
$logger->info('Hello World!');
$loggerCustom->error('Hello Major Tom, are you receiving me?', [
'errCode' => 42
Filter Logger
If you want to set a minimum logging severity and only log message that meet or exceed that level, you may also want to use the FilterLogger
class. This wraps the main logger and provides that filtering functionality.
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use QL\MCP\Logger\FilterLogger;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Logger;
$logger = new FilterLogger(new Logger, LogLevel::WARNING);
// will not be logged because info < warning.
$logger->info('Hello World!');
// will be logged because error > warning.
$logger->error('Got a big problem over here!');
This is useful for changing the type of messages you want logged between environments or using runtime configuration to change the level of detail in your logs on the fly.
Broadcast Logger
The BroadcastLogger
class allows for broadcasting a single log message out to multiple logger services. Combined with the Filter Logger, this can allow for sending high priority messages to an on-call alerting service, and lower priority messages such as debug
or info
to a lower priority alerting service.
use QL\MCP\Logger\BroadcastLogger;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Logger;
$logger = new BroadcastLogger([
new Logger,
new Logger
// Messages sent to both loggers.
$logger->info('Hello World!');
Memory Logger
Sometimes it can be useful to keep messages in memory, for example attaching them to the response in debug
modes and rendering them onto the page (such as when using symfony profiler).
use QL\MCP\Logger\MemoryLogger;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Logger;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Serializer\LineSerializer;
$serializer = new LineSerializer;
$logger = new MemoryLogger($serializer);
// Messages sent to both loggers.
$logger->info('Hello World!');
$logger->emergency('Hello World!');
$messages = $logger->getMessages();
# [
# "serialized message",
# "serialized message",
# ]
Creating a Message
You can either create message objects manually or use the message factory.
There are 2 required fields to create a message. Everything else can be specified in an array as the 3rd parameter.
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use QL\MCP\Common\Time\TimePoint;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Message\Message;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Serializer\LineSerializer;
$message = new Message(LogLevel::NOTICE, 'This is a messsage', [
Message::CREATED => new TimePoint(2013, 8, 15, 0, 0, 0, 'UTC'),
Message::APPLICATION_ID => '1234',
Message::SERVER_IP => '',
Message::SERVER_HOSTNAME => 'mydevbox'
// serialize the message
$serializer = new LineSerializer;
echo $serializer($message);
Using the Factory
Alternatively, a convenience factory is provided that will allow you to pass message defaults at setup so you do not have to populate these fields every time a message is logged.
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Message\MessageFactory;
$factory = new MessageFactory;
$message = $factory->buildMessage(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'A debug message', [
'test' => 'extra data',
'test2' => 'data'
When using the factory, there are several ways for you to add data to a message.
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use QL\MCP\Common\IPv4Address;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Message\MessageFactory;
// In the constructor
$factory = new MessageFactory([
'applicationID' => '1',
'serverIP' => IPv4Address::create('')
// With a setter
$factory->setDefaultProperty('serverHostname', 'ServerName');
// As context data when building the message
$message = $factory->buildMessage(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'A debug message', [
'userIP' => IPv4Address::create('')
Unknown context that are not part of the standard properties of MessageInterface
will be automatically added to context
by the factory.
Sending a Message
Once you have a service and a message, sending is easy.
use MCP\Logger\Logger;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Serializer\LineSerializer;
use QL\MCP\Logger\Service\ErrorLogService;
$serializer = new LineSerializer;
$service = new ErrorLogService([
ErrorLogService::CONFIG_TYPE => ErrorLogService::FILE,
ErrorLogService::CONFIG_FILE => '/var/log/myappmessages'
$formatted = $serializer($message);
$service->send($message->severity(), $formatted);
ErrorLog Service
This service sends log messages through the php function error_log()
documentation. ErrorLog easily provides the ability to send messages to the OS, SAPI (such as NGINX), or a file.
This service should be used JSONSerializer
or LineSerializer
use MCP\Logger\Logger;
use MCP\Logger\Serializer\LineSerializer;
use MCP\Logger\Service\ErrorLogService;
$serializer = new LineSerializer;
$service = new ErrorLogService([
ErrorLogService::CONFIG_TYPE => ErrorLogService::FILE
ErrorLogService::CONFIG_FILE => '/var/log/mcplogger'
$logger = new Logger($service, $serializer);
$logger->error('The MCP is the most efficient way of handling what we do!');
Syslog Service
This service allows you to send log messages directly to Syslog. From there, messages can be sent to a file, central Syslog server, or to a log collector such as Splunk or LogEntries. These destinations must be configured by system administrators.
This service should be used JSONSerializer
or LineSerializer
use MCP\Logger\Logger;
use MCP\Logger\Serializer\JSONSerializer;
use MCP\Logger\Service\SyslogService;
$serializer = new JSONSerializer;
$service = new SyslogService([
// Ident SHOULD always be provided, to allow log filtering at the system-level.
SyslogService::CONFIG_IDENT => 'MyAppName',
$logger = new Logger($service, $serializer);
$logger->error("That MCP, that's half our problem right there.");
Guzzle Service
This service sends log message over HTTP with Guzzle. Guzzle 6 is currently supported.
This service should be used JSONSerializer
or XMLSerializer
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use MCP\Logger\Logger;
use MCP\Logger\Serializer\XMLSerializer;
use MCP\Logger\Service\GuzzleService;
$serializer = new XMLSerializer;
$service = new GuzzleService('http://localhost/log/endpoint', new Client);
$logger = new Logger($service, $serializer);
$logger->error("You've enjoyed all the power you've been given, haven't you?");
Null Service
The Null Service, also known as a "black hole" service, will ignore all log messages. This is useful in environments or situations when you don't want any logs to be sent.
use MCP\Logger\Logger;
use MCP\Logger\Service\NullService;
$service = new NullService;
$logger = new Logger($service);
$logger->error("There's nothing special about you. You're just an ordinary program.");
Log Message
See MessageInterface for the interface of a message. The Message
object has the following properties:
use QL\MCP\Logger\Message\Message;
$message = new Message('info', 'test message');
# Property # Context
$message->id(); # 'id'
$message->message(); # N/A
$message->severity(); # N/A
$message->context(); # N/A - extra keys no mentioned elsewhere
$message->details(); # 'details'
$message->created(); # 'created' (TimePoint)
$message->applicationID(); # 'applicationID'
// Server details
$message->serverEnvironment(); # 'serverEnvironment'
$message->serverIP(); # 'serverIP'
$message->serverHostname(); # 'serverHostname'
// Request details
$message->requestMethod(); # 'requestMethod'
$message->requestURL(); # 'requestURL'
// User details
$message->userAgent(); # 'userAgent'
$message->userIP(); # 'userIP'
Each of these may be set by adding a key => value
pair to the data array when constructing a message, or in the context of the message when calling the logger.