
Laravel Cart is a package that helps building a cart-like system for online stores. You can store carts, products and you can add new products, update the existing ones or delete them. You can set more carts if you want to and retrieve them later since they're stored.

cart, customer, model, laravel, eloquent, sku, commerce, ecommerce, package, php, purchase, shop, web


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Laravel Cart

Laravel Cart is a package that helps building a cart-like system for online stores. You can store carts, products and you can add new products, update the existing ones or delete them. You can set more carts if you want to and retrieve them later since they're stored.


You have to install the package via Composer CLI:

$ composer require rennokki/guardian

If your Laravel version does not come with package auto-discovery, feel free to add this line in your providers array from config/app.php:


Publish the config and the migration:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

Then update the database via the Artisan migrate command:

$ php artisan migrate

On the Model level, you have to implement the following trait:

use Rennokki\Cart\Traits\HasCarts;

class User extends Model {
    use HasCarts;

Creating a Cart

You can now create carts for any user. Let's create one:

$cart = $user->createCart('My Cart');

With that CartModel instance, you can do more. You can add, remove, update product IDs (SKUs), names, details, quantity and unit prices.

If you wish to add a coupon code to the cart, you can do so by calling setCoupon() or updateCoupon() within the cart:

$cart->setCoupon('10PERCENTOFF'); // true
$cart->updateCoupon('100PERCENTOFF'); // same thing

$cart->hasCoupon(); // true

Removing it can be done with deleteCoupon():

$cart->deleteCoupon(); // true
$cart->hasCoupon(); // false

Adding items to Cart

Let's add our first item. It's going to be a Skirt, with a cost of 15.00 (no currency involved), 5 of them, and the material attribute is set to Cotton.

$skirt = $cart->addProduct('my-unique-sku', 'Skirt', 15.00, 5, ['material' => 'Cotton']); // Returns a CartProductModel instance.

If you add products on one another, with the same SKU, it will:

  • Update the quantity as the sum between the existing one and the one present in the method. (i.e. You have 3 in your cart, adding 2 of the same ones will get 5 in total)
  • Update any name, unit price and details ONLY if they are different.
$skirt = $cart->addProduct('my-unique-sku', 'Skirt', 15.00, 5, ['material' => 'Cotton']);
$cart->addProduct('my-unique-sku', 'Skirt', 15.00, 5, ['material' => 'Cotton']);

$cart->getProduct($skirt->sku)->quantity; // This will get you 10 (5+5)

Updating Cart products

If you plan to update the item from Skirt to Black Skirt, you can do it likewise:

$skirt = $cart->updateNameFor($skirt->sku, 'Black Skirt');

It works the same way with quantity, unit price and details:

$skirt = $cart->updateUnitPriceFor($skirt->sku, 20.00);
$skirt = $cart->updateQuantityFor($skirt->sku, 1);
$skirt = $cart->updateDetailsFor($skirt->sku, ['materials' => ['Cotton', 'Elastan']]);

Getting Cart total

On each Cart instance, you can get the total price using one simple method:

$skirt->total(); // 75.00

Updating products' SKUs

If you want to update the SKU during mid-cart, you have to keep in mind that the SKU should not exist in the cart already, otherwise it will return false.

$skirt = $cart->updateSkuFor($skirt->sku, 'new-sku');

Deleting products


Methods for Cart

$cart->getProducts(); // Returns a collection or an empty array.
$cart->getProduct('my-sku-here'); // Retuns either null or a Product instance.
$cart->hasProduct('my-sku-here'); // Returns true if the cart has the product.
$cart->isEmpty(); // true, if it has no products