
Encrypt your Eloquent model by user-provide key (with AES-128-CBC algorithm).

orm, encryption, laravel, protection, eloquent, privacy, aes, aes-encryption, laravel-5-package, password



Encrypt your Eloquent model by user-provide key (with AES-128-CBC algorithm).


To get started, install secure-eloquent via Composer:

composer require rway7/secure-eloquent

Next, add the rway7\SecureEloquent\HasSecrets trait to the model you want to encrypt. This trait will give you the ability to encrypt specified attributes:


namespace App;

use rway7\SecureEloquent\HasSecrets;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use HasSecrets;

     * The attributes that need to be encrypted.
     * @var array
    protected $secrets = [
        'title', 'body',

Finally, add a is_secured column to your table:

Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
    // ...

Getting Started

Once a model has added that trait, you will be able to use secure and unsecure methods.

These methods will only affect the attributes that are specified in $secrets property, and it will update the model's is_secured attribute to indicates whether the model is encrypted.

Encrypt a model


$post->title;   // eyJpdiI6IndFTWFZTU...
$post->body;    // eyJpdiI6IkJ4ZThwNE...


Note: It WILL NOT be encrypted if you save a model wihtout calling the secure method.

Decrypt a model


$post->title;   // Title
$post->body;    // Body

Determine if a model is encrypted

$post->secured();   // true