Just a simple class that converts a PHP object to XML, with tests, and no SimpleXML requirement.
Yes, I'm fully aware of the existence of SimpleXMLElement::asXML() and solutions that use it.
First include the package in your project via composer.
composer require salernolabs/php-to-xml
An example usage would be something like this:
$object = new \stdClass();
$object->hello = 'world';
$object->items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
$object->samples = ['sample1'=>true, 'sample2'=>false, 'sample3'=>'I dunno!'];
$converter = new \SalernoLabs\PHPToXML\Convert();
$xml = $converter
At this point, the value of $xml
is expected to be a string with the following contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sample3>I dunno!</sample3>
The converter is currently setup so multiple calls to convert() will return the last created data. Calls to setObjectData will clear the cache.
I haven't added attribute or CDATA support in yet. It also doesn't collapse/remove empty nodes. Maybe later, pull requests welcome!