
simple crawl link and parser it

php, parser, web page, html, crawler


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Fast and Convenient PHP WebPage and Html Parser

PHPHtmlParser is a fast, convenient, and simple page parser which allows you to use any data of page, such as header, redirects, code status, variant meta tag, H tags, image attributes, links and so on. The goal is to assist you that parse different pages without any problem and use categorized data in your programs.

Let's get started ...

Installing PHP Html Parser

This package can be found on packagist and is best loaded using composer. We support php 5.0, 7.0. The recommended way to install Php-Html-Parser is through Composer.


 "require": {
    "seosazi/php-html-parser": "^1.0"


 composer require seosazi/php-html-parser


Using this class is simple and it is enough to put your page address to get different information of it. The following example is a very simplistic usage of the package.

// Assuming you installed from Composer:
use PHPHtmlParser\Crawl\WebPageProcessor;
require_once '/vendor/autoload.php';
$data = WebPageProcessor::onePageProcessed('');
var_dump($data->getH1Tag());//get array of H1 tag
var_dump($data->getExternalLinks());//get array of all external link (Url class)
var_dump($data->getImageAlt());//get array of all image address and alt tag of them
var_dump($data->getHeader());//get array of header parameters

Full list of WebPageProcessor parameters

Parameter Description
getUrlInfo Get information about your Url, for example home address, last url after possible redirects and first url
getHtml Get page html
getUrl Get the url that you entered
getStatus Get the status code of your address, if the code is more than 600 it means that this address is inaccessible
getHeader Get an array of all header parameters, including Connection, Cache-Control, Set-Cookie, Vary, Content-Type, Transfer-Encoding, Date, Server, Alt-Svc, x-encoded-content-encoding, Keep-Alive, P3P, and so on.
getUrlBeforeRedirect Get the url before redirecting
getRedirect Get an array of all possible redirects, including header parameter, status code, url
getBaseTag Get base tag
getHeaderContentType Get url content type
getBodyText Get text in body tag
getTitle Get page title
getKeywords Get the meta keywords tag
getDescription Get the meta description tag
getCanonical Get a canonical tag
getPTag Get an array of all p tag
getSpanTag Get an array of all span tag
getH1Tag Get an array of all H1 tag
getH2Tag Get an array of all H2 tag
getH3Tag Get an array of all H3 tag
getH4Tag Get an array of all H4 tag
getH5Tag Get an array of all H5 tag
getH6Tag Get an array of all H6 tag
getLiElement Get an array of all Li element
getImageAlt Get an array of all image address with alt tag
getAnchorTag Get an array of all anchor text
getLinks Get an array of all links. for better use of link, the Url class was created for easy use with the url. more information
getInternalLinks Get an array of all internal links. for better use of link, the Url class was created for easy use with the url. more information
getExternalLinks Get an array of all external links. for better use of link, the Url class was created for easy use with the url. more information
getEntireData Get an array of all data

Url Class

We created the Url class to increase the quality and speed of using URLs. You can use this very simple.

// if anchor text exists
// if parent exists
//get all information in array