Yii2 module for image|file upload
Multiple uploading, sorting file collection by mouse, adding description for the file, cropping. Resize images using the queue component.
Photos by categories, photo gallery BEFORE | AFTER.
A common approach for working with uploading images or files in an application.
If the model needs images or files, it is enough:
- to connect the behavior,
- define the subdirectory in which they will be stored,
- define the desired image sizes
For example common\models\User.php
use sergmoro1\uploader\behaviors\HaveFileBehavior;
class User extends ActiveRecord
* @inheritdoc
public function behaviors()
return array_merge(parent::behaviors(), [
'class' => HaveFileBehavior::className(),
'file_path' => '/user/',
//'check_wh' => false, // not checking min width and height of image
'sizes' => [
//'original' => ['width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'catalog' => 'original'], // zero values mean not resize
'original' => ['width' => 1200, 'height' => 1200, 'catalog' => 'original'],
'main' => ['width' => 400, 'height' => 400, 'catalog' => ''],
'thumb' => ['width' => 90, 'height' => 90, 'catalog' => 'thumb'],
Information about all uploaded files are stored in one table onefile
There is no need to define a field of type file
in the model, which need files.
The files are uploaded and stored in the directory defined as a concatenation of paths of three aliases @absolute, @host and @uploader.
All aleases should be defined in appropriate config file. For example in common/config/main-local.php
if storage folder are the same for backend
and fronend
return [
'aliases' => [
'@absolute' => '/home/my/site',
'@host' => 'http://example.ru',
'@uploader' => '/uploads',
But there may be different configurations.
If both the backend and frontend are on the same host, the @host alias can be leaved empty. The same case for basic Yii template.
In the folder the files are arranged by users and sizes.
Where 2
is the user ID or subdir
can be blank, then all files will be saved in one folder.
can be defined when widget placed in a view.
Sizes in an example are thumb
, main
, original
More sizes can be defined but those are must have
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require --prefer-dist sergmoro1/yii2-uploader
or add
"sergmoro1/yii2-uploader": "^2.0.0"
to the require section of your composer.json.
Run migration.
php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/sergmoro1/yii2-uploader/src/migrations
If you used a previous version sergmoro1\yii2-byone-uploader
then run only the next migration.
php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/sergmoro1/yii2-uploader/src/migrations/v1
To register the module in an app common/config/main.php
(advanced) or in appropriate config file.
'modules' => [
'uploader' => [
'class' => 'sergmoro1\uploader\Module',
For file storage configuration in common/config/main-local.php
or any other config file add
lines appropriate for your app.
return [
'aliases' => [
'@absolute' => '/home/my/site',
'@host' => '',
'@uploader' => '/uploads',
If queue should be using for image resizing,
then queue
component must be defined. The name of the queue component must be exactly queue
$model = User::findOne(2);
// get top thumb image of the model with image description
echo Html::img($model->getImage('thumb'), ['alt' => $model->getFileDescription()) ]);
// get top image of the model from main catalog
echo Html::img($model->getImage());
// get all images of the model from original catalog with image description
$image = $model->getImage('original');
while ($image) {
echo Html::img($image, ['title' => $model->getFileDescription()]);
$image = $model->getNextImage('original');
To do uploading place the widget in a _form.php
or any other view.
<?= \sergmoro1\uploader\widgets\Uploader::widget([
'model' => $model,
'draggable' => true,
'cropAllowed' => true,
'limit' => 5,
]) ?>
If image should be cropped, subdirectories original
, main
, thumb
must to be defined.
May be uploaded any amount of files for one model but files amount can be limited by limit
parameter of the widget.
If subdir
will be defined as an empty string then all files will be uploaded in the same folder but with subfolders
that was defined in sizes
<?= Uploader::widget([
'model' => $model,
'subdir' => '',
]) ?>
Description of uploaded files
You can leave descriptions to the files. To do this in the _form.php
in the already mentioned widget, you need to add the parameter appendeixView
<?= Uploader::widget([
'model' => $model,
'appendixView' => '/user/appendix',
'cropAllowed' => true,
]) ?>
And add to the view/views/user/appendix.php
the following content:
<span id='description'>
<?= isset($file->vars->description) ? $file->vars->description : ''; ?>
Field description
defined by default, but fields not limited.
Widget options
cropAllowed (false
If image should be cropped, original
, main
, thumb
sizes must be defined.
The cropping sizes are specified by the main directory where catalor
parameter should be equal ''
If this directory is set to square, then the remaining sizes will be square after cropping.
draggable (false
Make true
if uploaded files should be swapped.
allowedTypes ( []
To control files types on a client side, ['image/pjpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/gif', 'image/x-gif']
Any if empty.
allowedTypesReg ( '/image\\/[jpeg|jpg|png|gif]/i'
Server side control. Any if empty. Preferable way to check allowed types to upload.
appendixView ( ''
View file name of additional fields for uploaded files. See views/user/appendix.php.
minFileSize ( 0
Minimum file size in bytes. 0
for any.
maxFileSize ( 0
Maximum file size in bytes. 0
for any.
limit ( 0
Maximum amount of files to upload for one model. 0
for any.
secure ( true
Ordinary user authorization required, but verification may be switched off.
subdir ( null
If null
(by defauld) $model->id
will be used.