
This is package that eases to manage model relationships automatically handling them by observers



Package model-relationship

This is package that eases to manage model relationships automatically handling them by trait


All you need to do is to use Relationship trait to your model. Observer that is booted when You using a trait handle all relations:

Remember to add @relation annotation above all your relation methods

How it works

When create or update action is triggered trait method automatically discovers relations in provided attributes and manage to handle them according to relation type.

Handled relation types

  • HasOne
  • BelongsTo
  • HasMany
  • BelongsToMany


Lets assume we have an example Article model with relations

class Articel extends Model{

         * @relation
        public function author()
            return $this->belongsTo(Author::class);
         * @relation
        public function referrals()
            return $this->hasMany(Referral::class);
         * @relation
        public function image()
            return $this->hasOne(Image::class);
         * @relation
        public function tags()
            return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class);



While adding HasOne relation there is few ways to do that

Providing image_id


Providing image object with ID (all other attributes of image are being ignored)

Article::create([...$someArticleAttributes,'image'=> ['id'=>$image_id]]);

Providing image object without ID (image will be created and binded to article)

Article::create([...$someArticleAttributes,'image'=> ['url'=>'https://example.url','title'=>'Example title']]);


While adding BelongsTo relation you can provide either object_id or object like notation object['id']

Providing author_id


Providing author object with ID (all other attributes of author are being ignored)

Article::create([...$someArticleAttributes,'author'=> ['id'=>$author_id]]);


While adding HasMany relation you should provide a collection of related objects

Article::create([...$someArticleAttributes,'referrals'=> [

While updating HasMany relation in Article you should provide a similar collection of related objects

$article->update(['referrals'=> [

If related model attributes contain id it will be updated. If it does not - it will be created and binded.

IMPORTANT! In case above all referrals that are not in referrals attributes array will be deleted.

Adding new object to relation.

If you do not want to pass all present referrals ids to referrals array (so they would not be deleted) you can use postfix notation

$article->update(['referrals_add'=> [

Old referrals associated with article won't be affected.

Note that if you provide already existing model (with id) to referrals_add array it will be attached which is described below.

Removing new object to relation.

If you want to remove only one or few referrals without passing ids to referrals array (so they would not be deleted) you can use another postfix notation

$article->update(['referrals_delete'=> [

Old referrals associated with article won't be affected.

Attach already existing object to relation.

If you want to associate existing models like referrals without assigned relation id (null) you can use postfix notation _attach

$article->update(['referrals_attach'=> [

Existing referrals will be associated with article.

Detach object from relation.

If you want to disassociate existing models like referrals (set foreign key to null) you can use postfix notation _detach

$article->update(['referrals_detach'=> [

Ids provided in referrals_detach array will be disassociated from article.

Remember that this feature require setting foreign key of relation to nullable in database

Remember that association will be performed even if related object is associated with another model.

Ordering Relation objects

Sometimes you need to sort hasMany relations by position. In that case all you need to do is to simply pass referrals array with ids in order you want. This can be possible if related object (in this case referrals) have to contain position column in database.

$article->update(['referrals'=> [

Remember that absent ids will be removed


While adding BelongsToMany relation you should provide a collection of related objects ids

 Article::create([...$someArticleAttributes,'tags'=> [

Above tags will be associated by many-to-many relation with Article.

If you want to pass additional data to pivot table simply add it to attributes table

 Article::create([...$someArticleAttributes,'tags'=> [

Since Laravel belongsToMany relation use force option to fill pivot table remember not to pass any fields that are not in database

Adding new object to relation.

You have also possibility to add one or few objects to belongsToMany relation using postfixes similar to hasMany relation with _attach postfix

$article->update(['tags_attach'=> [

All tags absent in array associated with article won't be affected.

Removing new object to relation.

Same thing works for _detach prefix when you want ro remove association

$article->update(['tags_detach'=> [

All tags absent in array associated with article won't be affected.

Ordering Relation objects

Simimilar to hasMany sometimes you need to sort belongsToMany associated relations by position. In that case all you need to do is to simply pass tags array with ids in order you want. This can be possible when there is position column in database on pivot table.

$article->update(['tags'=> [

Remember that absent ids will be removed

Package is still under construction