Sisow Magento 2 Plug-in
This plug-in will install all the Sisow payment methods to your Magento installation.
For more information about the payment methods visit our website (Dutch) or (English).
Getting Started
With the instructions below you can install our plug-in to your Magento 2.
Installing with Composer
In command line (SSH), navigate to the installation directory of your magento2 installation.
Enter the following commands:
composer require sisow/plg-magento2
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean
The plugin is now installed, you can now go to the configuration
Installing without Composer
- Download the latest version from Github
- Connect to your Magento with (s)FTP
- Create the path 'app/code/Sisow/Payment' in the root of your Magento
- Upload the files from Github to 'app/code/Sisow/Payment'
In command line (SSH), navigate to the installation directory of your magento2 installation.
Enter the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean
Below you will find a quickstart for the configuration, for a full description please contact Sisow on
- Log into the Magento Admin
- Go to Stores / Configuration
- Go to Sales / Payment Methods
- Scroll down to find the "Sisow" Settings
- Enter under General Settings the Merchant ID and Merchant Key, these can be found in your Sisow portal -->
- Save the settings
- After this you can enable the Sisow payment method you like
- Save the settings
The changelog can be found here.