This package developed to use SnappMarket Notification Service.
- TEST : TEST Documentations
- STAGING : STAGING Documentations
(note : Don't forget to set Swagger-Token as request header. Value of Swagger-Token is the api key you can get it from Snappmarket Notifier Service)
PHP >= 7.2.0
JSON PHP Extension
require package inside your composer.json
$ composer require snappmarket/smnotif-php-bridge
You can use it inside a raw php file or project or a php framework like Laravel or Symfony.
The NotifierApi
class takes four parameters.
: The Api Key that your get from Notifier Service. -
: The api version that you are using ex:1 -
: if true call service with 'https' else calls with 'http'. -
: The application environment that you are using (includingNotifierApi::PRODUCTION
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
try {
$api_token = "Your API Token";
$api_version = 1;
$is_secure = true;
$app_env = \Notifier\NotifierApi::PRODUCTION;
$notifier = new \Notifier\NotifierApi($api_token,$api_version,$is_secure,$app_env);
$sms_notifier = $notifier->setType(\Notifier\NotifierApi::SMS);
$response = $sms_notifier->setBypassLimitControl(1) // to bypass time limit control (like activation codes)
->setExpireTime('1h 15m') // expires in 1 hour and 15 minutes
->setMode(\Notifier\NotifierApi::ASYNC_MODE) // send notification async or sync
->setPriority(\Notifier\NotifierApi::BLOCKER_PRIORITY) // priority : blocker, high, medium, low
->setProviderCode('10002') // get sms provider codes from notification service
->setSmsBodyStructure(\Notifier\NotifierApi::DYNAMIC_STRUCTURE) // static or dynamic?
->setSmsBody('Hello {{name}}. Your discount is {{discount}}!!') // sms body (you can also use sms templates)
'number' => "0939*******",
'sms_template_data' => [
'name' => 'Alireza Jangi',
'discount' => 45
'number' => "0937*******",
'sms_template_data' => [
'name' => 'Another Name',
'discount' => 77
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
use Notifier\NotifierApi;
try {
$api_token = "Your API Token";
$api_version = 1;
$is_secure = true;
$app_env = NotifierApi::PRODUCTION;
$notifier = new NotifierApi($api_token,$api_version,$is_secure,$app_env);
$sms_notifier = $notifier->setType(\Notifier\NotifierApi::SMS);
$response = $sms_notifier->setBypassLimitControl(1) // to bypass time limit control (like activation codes)
->setExpireTime('1h 15m') // expires in 1 hour and 15 minutes
->setMode(NotifierApi::ASYNC_MODE) // send notification async or sync
->setPriority(NotifierApi::BLOCKER_PRIORITY) // priority : blocker, high, medium, low
->setProviderCode('10002') // get sms provider codes from notification service
->setSmsBodyStructure(NotifierApi::DYNAMIC_STRUCTURE) // static or dynamic?
->setSmsBody('Hello {{name}}. Your discount is {{discount}}!!') // sms body (you can also use sms templates)
'number' => "0939*******",
'sms_template_data' => [
'name' => 'Alireza Jangi',
'discount' => 45
'number' => "0937*******",
'sms_template_data' => [
'name' => 'Another Name',
'discount' => 77
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
You can use it inside a raw php file or project or a php framework like Laravel or Symfony.
The NotifierApi
class takes four parameters.
: The Api Key that your get from Notifier Service. -
: The api version that you are using ex:1 -
: if true call service with 'https' else calls with 'http'. -
: The application environment that you are using (includingNotifierApi::PRODUCTION
// Static Push Notification
try {
$api_token = "5df0d20cd6b9c5df0d20cd6ba3";
$api_version = 1;
$is_secure = true;
$app_env = NotifierApi::TEST;
$notifier = new NotifierApi($api_token,$api_version,$is_secure,$app_env);
$push_notifier = $notifier->setType(\Notifier\NotifierApi::PUSH);
$response = $push_notifier->setBypassLimitControl(1) // to bypass time limit control (like activation codes)
->setExpireTime('10m') // expires in 10 minutes
->setMode(NotifierApi::ASYNC_MODE) // send notification async or sync
->setReceivers(["3502960","4727193"]) // Receivers for static push notification are user IDs
->setPriority(NotifierApi::BLOCKER_PRIORITY) // priority : blocker, high, medium, low
->setProviderCode('20001') // get push provider codes from notification service
->setBodyStructure(NotifierApi::STATIC_STRUCTURE) // you set it to static in this type
->setTitle('This is a test ') // push title
->setBody('This is a test message without any variables!!') // push body
->setMessagePageTitle("") // This is the message title you want to save in user phone
->setMessagePageBody("") // This is the message body you want to save in user phone
->setImage("") // set push notification image
->setBanner("") // set push notification banner
->setSound("default") // set push notification sound
->setModalText("Some text for modal") // if you set it a modal will be open in application
->setDeepLink("") // set Deep Link
->setWebView("") // set Web View
->setWebLink("") // set Web Link
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// Dynamic Push Notification
try {
$api_token = "5df0d20cd6b9c5df0d20cd6ba3";
$api_version = 1;
$is_secure = true;
$app_env = NotifierApi::TEST;
$notifier = new NotifierApi($api_token,$api_version,$is_secure,$app_env);
$push_notifier = $notifier->setType(\Notifier\NotifierApi::PUSH);
$response = $push_notifier->setBypassLimitControl(1) // to bypass time limit control (like activation codes)
->setExpireTime('10m') // expires in 10 minutes
->setMode(NotifierApi::ASYNC_MODE) // send notification async or sync
'user_id' => "********",
'push_template_data' => [
'first_name' => 'Alireza',
'last_name' => "jangi",
'code' => "3434"
'number' => "*******",
'push_template_data' => [
'first_name' => 'Another Name',
'last_name' => 'Another Name',
'code' => '9833'
]) // Receivers for static push notification are user IDs
->setPriority(NotifierApi::BLOCKER_PRIORITY) // priority : blocker, high, medium, low
->setProviderCode('20001') // get push provider codes from notification service
->setBodyStructure(NotifierApi::DYNAMIC_STRUCTURE) // you set it to static in this type
->setTitle('Hello {{first_name}} {{last_name}}') // push title
->setBody('Welcome! This is your code : {{code}} ') // push body
->setMessagePageTitle("") // This is the message title you want to save in user phone
->setMessagePageBody("") // This is the message body you want to save in user phone
->setImage("") // set push notification image
->setBanner("") // set push notification banner
->setSound("default") // set push notification sound
->setModalText("Some text for modal") // if you set it a modal will be open in application
->setDeepLink("") // set Deep Link
->setWebView("") // set Web View
->setWebLink("") // set Web Link
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
- To register a new sms template check Sms Template Examples
- More examples to send sms notifications Send Sms Notifications Examples