
Components of the Alpaca theme for Magento 2



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Components library of Alpaca design system created to speed up the process of working with design on Magento 2 stores, by creating each UI element, module, and view in a simplified, front-end developer friendly, environment.

This components liblary is built on top of Fractal.js.

Magento 2 experience isn't required to work with this code.

Demo / Preview


  • Install dependencies using yarn
  • Run gulp dev to start Fractal.js development server
  • Run gulp if you want to generate static files (for example to deploy them)

How to create a components library on top of Alpaca

It's necessary only to work outside the Magento.

  1. Copy-paste package.json, gulpfile.js, .eslintignore, .eslintrc, .sass-lint.yml, .stylelintrc, .gitignore files to the new project
  2. Create modules.json file with an array of paths to parent components libraries. In most cases it will look like this:
  3. Customize or add new files following the same structure as in Alpaca components library
  4. Run gulp dev

Directory structure

  • components directory is what you are going to import into the Magento 2 theme.
  • docs and public are just for the local environment purposes, you will find there sample images, testing libs, utility styles etc.

Core concepts

Components architecture

Components are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Globals
    • Contains code that other components can use in any place, for example, typography, icons or SASS variables.
  2. Elements
    • Smallest UI parts, for example, buttons
    • Element can't depend on other elements
    • Element shouldn't have any layout
  3. Modules
    • More complex UI parts like search form or header
    • Takes elements or modules and combine them together adding layout and context
    • Takes elements or modules and combine them together adding final layout and context
    • You should be able to show it to client/PM as a preview of ready to use store
    • You shouldn't create any new UI elements, everything needs to be reusable.


  • Group name needs to be plural
  • Component name needs to be singular
  • Component name shouldn't be related to any project or place in the layout
    • Bad: filters
    • Good: dropdown-list or collapsible-list
  • Avoid using box, block, item, info, text, cms, especialy combined together, for example info-box
  • Avoid naming two components in similar way i.e. cms-subcategories and cms-subcategory


  • By default alpaca components uses up to 7 step grayscale

SASS Variables naming

Follow BEM-like naming convention i.e. when you component name is button and you are creating a variable for a padding it should be $button__padding.

Same as in BEM, you are not allowed to build construction like $button__icon__padding, it should be $button__icon-padding.

Variables related to the pseudo-classes and pseudo-selectors should be treated as a BEM elements $button__color-hover.

Also, BEM modificators are allowed in variables $button__padding--secondary, you can even stack them like this $button__padding--secondary--dark.

To target variable to specific breakpoint adding \@breakpoint at the end of the variable name $button__padding\@medium. Always use small, medium, large etc. to describe the breakpoint.

Examples of proper variables names:





You can run gulp a11y to run dev server with accessibility tests enabled.

If on some view there is no a11y message, please go to the component config and comment out preview: '@docs-only-styles'