Sourcya Laravel Boilerplate
About the Project
Sourcya Laravel boilerplate developed by Sourcya developers depending on Concord Package modular concept, so this is also a Concord Box
Requires Composer and php7.*
- Install fresh Laravel app on your web server
$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel dev "5.8.*"
- Create a new MySql Database with charset UTF8mb4 (IMPORTANT)
use phpmyadmin if you have it connected to your MySql/MariaDB host, or follow the following approach
# Connect to Mysql, if host is not on the same machine, add the host flag like this -h <ip_orHostName>
mysql -u <mysql username> -p
# After successful login you will have the mysql or mariadb terminal access
mysql> create database <database_name> character set UTF8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
- Update the .env file with your db credentials
- Install latest version of the package
$ composer require sourcya/boilerplate
Edit config/concord.php and add your boxes service providers: (TODO: manage this file to be added by composer)
return [
'modules' => [
Sourcya\BoilerplateBox\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [],
Sourcya\CoreBox\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => []
- Change storage and cache folders permissions to 777
$ chmod 777 -R bootstrap/cache/
$ chmod 777 -R storage/
- Run: php artisan sourcya:boilerplate-install
- Run: php artisan serve
Sourcya exists thanks to all the people who contribute.