srag/dic Library for ILIAS Plugins
Use all ILIAS globals in your class
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0-only license
First add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"srag/dic": ">=0.1.0"
And run a composer install
If you deliver your plugin, the plugin has it's own copy of this library and the user doesn't need to install the library.
Tip: Because of multiple autoloaders of plugins, it could be, that different versions of this library exists and suddenly your plugin use an older or a newer version of an other plugin!
So I recommand to use srag/librariesnamespacechanger in your plugin.
ILIAS 7 core ilCtrl patch
For make some plugins work with ilCtrl in ILIAS 7, you may need to patch the core, before you update the plugin (At your own risk)
Start at the plugin directory
Use trait
Declare your class like follow:
use srag\DIC\DICTrait;
class x {
use DICTrait;
const PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME = ilXPlugin::class;
is the name of your plugin class.
You can now access the DIC interface, in instance and in static places:
* Get DIC interface
* @return DICInterface DIC interface
self::dic(): DICInterface;
For instance you can access the ilCtrl global like:
* @return ilCtrl
self::dic()->ctrl(): ilCtrl;
You can access the plugin interface, in instance and in static places:
* Get plugin interface
* @return PluginInterface Plugin interface
* @throws DICException
self::plugin(): PluginInterface;
The plugin interface has the follow methods:
For plugin dir use:
* Get plugin directory
* @return string Plugin directory
self::plugin()->directory(): string;
For output HTML or GUI use:
* Output HTML or GUI
* @param string|object $html HTML code or some GUI instance
* @param bool $show Show main template?
* @param bool $main_template Display main skin?
* @throws DICException
self::output()->output($value, bool $show = false, bool $main_template = true) : void
For output JSON:
* Output JSON
* @param string|int|double|bool|array|stdClass|null|JsonSerializable $value JSON value
* @throws DICException
self::output()->outputJSON($value) : void;
For get HTML of GUI:
* Get HTML of GUI
* @param string|object $html HTML code or some GUI instance
* @return string HTML
* @throws DICException
self::output()->getHTML($value): string;
For get a template use:
* Get a template
* @param string $template Template path
* @param bool $remove_unknown_variables Should remove unknown variables?
* @param bool $remove_empty_blocks Should remove empty blocks?
* @param bool $plugin Plugin template or ILIAS core template?
* @return ilTemplate ilTemplate instance
* @throws DICException
self::plugin()->template(string $template, bool $remove_unknown_variables = true, bool $remove_empty_blocks = true, bool $plugin = true): ilTemplate;
For translate use:
* Translate text
* @param string $key Language key
* @param string $module Language module
* @param array $placeholders Placeholders in your language texst to replace with vsprintf
* @param bool $plugin Plugin language or ILIAS core language?
* @param string $lang Possibly specific language, otherwise current language, if empty
* @param string $default Default text, if language key not exists
* @return string Translated text
* @throws DICException
self::plugin()->translate(string $key, string $module = "", array $placeholders = [], bool $plugin = true, string $lang = "", string $default = "MISSING %s"): string;
- Please use not more manually
, use the$placeholders
parameter. Otherwise you will get an appropriate DICException thrown. This becausetranslate
use alwaysvsprintf
and if you pass to few palceholders,vsprintf
will throw an Exception. - Because
, you need to escape%
in your language strings if it is no placeholder!
If you really need the ILIAS plugin object use but avoid this:
* Get ILIAS plugin object instance
* Please avoid to use ILIAS plugin object instance and instead use methods in this class!
* @return ilPlugin ILIAS plugin object instance
self::plugin()->getPluginObject(): ilPlugin;
You can access ILIAS version informations, in instance and in static places:
* Get version interface
* @return VersionInterface Version interface
self::version(): VersionInterface;
If you really need DICTrait outside a class (For instance in dbupdate.php
), use DICStatic::dic()
or DICStatic::plugin(ilXPlugin::class)
Clean up
You can now remove all usages of ILIAS globals in your class and replace it with this library. Please avoid to store in variables or class variables.
This library delivers also a custom ilDB
decorator class with spec. functions, restricted to PDO
(Because to make access more core functions), access via self:.dic()->database()
If you realy need to access to original ILIAS ilDB
instance, use self:.dic()->databaseCore()
Native AutoIncrement (MySQL) / Native Sequence (PostgreSQL)
Use auto increment on a spec. field (in dbupdate.php
use srag\DIC\x\DICStatic;use srag\Plugins\x\x\x;DICStatic::dic()->database()->createAutoIncrement(x::TABLE_NAME, "id");
Reset auto increment:
self::dic()->database()->resetAutoIncrement(x::TABLE_NAME, "id");
Drop auto increment table (Needed for PostgreSQL) (in ilXPlugin
Store (In repository)
$x = $this->factory()->newInstance();
$x->setId(self::dic()->database()->store(x::TABLE_NAME, [
"field_1" => [ ilDBConstants::T_TEXT, $x->getField1() ],
"field_2" => [ ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER, $x->getField2() ]
], "id", $x->getId()));
Automatic factory (In repository)
$array = self::dic()->database()->fetchAllCallback(self::dic()->database()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . self::dic()->database()
->quoteIdentifier(x::TABLE_NAME)), [ $this->factory(), "fromDB" ]);
public function fromDB(stdClass $data): x {
$x = $this->newInstance();
return $x;
Create or update table
Same thing like ILIAS ActiveRecord
If the table not exists, create it, otherwise add missing columns
self::dic()->database()->createOrUpdateTable($table_name, $columns, $primary_columns)
Multiple insert
self::dic()->database()->multipleInsert($table_name, ["column1", "column2", "column3"], [
["value11", ilDBConstants::T_TEXT],
["value12", ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER],
["value13", ilDBConstants::T_TEXT]
["value21", ilDBConstants::T_TEXT],
["value22", ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER],
["value23", ilDBConstants::T_TEXT]
["value31", ilDBConstants::T_TEXT],
["value32", ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER],
["value33", ilDBConstants::T_TEXT]
Force reload css or js files on a plugin update (Browser Cache)
Optimal, it's also possible to pass a second URL which used if ILIAS Dev-Mode is enabled (For instance non-min version)
use srag\DIC\x\Version\PluginVersionParameter;
$version_parameter = PluginVersionParameter::getInstance()->withPlugin(self::plugin());
- ILIAS 6.0 - 7.999
- PHP >=7.2