
Composer-package for Studyportals' Template4 template-engine




A PHP Template-engine.


use StudyPortals\Template\Template;

$template = Template::create('Templates/Home.tp4');

$template->title = 'Hello world!';

$template->header->foo = 'bar';

foreach(['item 1', 'item 2'] as $item){

  $template->listOfItems->name = $item;

echo $template;

Any scalar value and any object implementing __toString() (including additional templates) can be passed into $template for use as a variable.

Scoping, Sections and Nesting

Section-elements can be added into a template to create scoping-boundaries.

A variable defined in a Section (such as foo in section header above) is only available in that Section and its descendants.

Redefining an existing variable (i.e. one already provided by a higher scope) overwrites the variable inside the Section and its descendants. It does not impact the variable in the higher scope.

Scoping is applied at the TemplateNodeTree-level, so anything extending from there (e.g. Section, Repeater and all include-statements) act as a scoping-boundary.

TemplateNodeTree-elements can be infinitely nested – up to the point where you might run into the "physical" recursion limits in PHP (which is highly unlikely to happen in any real-world scenario).


A special type of Section is the Repeater.

It behaves like a regular section, with one major difference: When you can call its repeat() method, the current state of the Repeater is rendered out and stored to be outputted later.

Subsequently, all variables in the Repeater scope are cleared, allowing you to fill it from scratch. This enables the rendering of all kinds of dynamic repeating structures (lists, menus, etc.).


Files can be included from the file-system using the include (for static HTML content) and include template (for Template4 files) syntax.

Included templates behave no differently than if you were to copy-paste their contents in place of the inclue template-statement.

Dynamic merging of Templates

If you pass anything which extends from TemplateNodeTree into a template instance, it is merged into that instance. This behaviour is identical to using an include template-statement in the template file itself.

This enables advanced dynamic (and even recursive) behaviour. For an example of this, have a look at the PHP-code in 📂 tests/smoke.


To improve performance, it is advisable to cache the parsed templates. This causes an intermediate representation of the template (using PHP's serialisation format) to be stored.

To use caching, enable it prior to creating a template.


Optionally, you can use the setTemplateCacheStore() to provide a Psr-compliant CacheInterface. Instead of generating .tp4-cache-files alongside the template files, the provided CacheInterface will now be used.


When the template files changes, the cache is automatically invalidated.

âš  Note that included files are cached as part of the main template. Changes to the included files will not invalidate the main template's cache...


Requires PHP 7.2.

composer install

# Run smoke-tests
composer run phpunit

# Run compliance-tests
composer run phpstan
composer run phpcs
composer run phpmd


  1. 📄 docs/
  2. 📄 docs/