
PHP script to read / write custom Minecraft map item images




Originally created by Kroc Camen http://camendesign.com

A set of PHP classes for reading and writing Minecraft map items, you can:

  • Set any image to a map, e.g.:

A custom image put onto a Minecraft map item

  • Write books, by providing the text and McMaps will automatically word-wrap, hyphenate and generate multiple numbered pages for you!

A minecraft map with writing on it - 1

A minecraft map with writing on it - 2


The code is © copyright cc-by 2011 Kroc Camen http://camendesign.com, you may do with it as you please, as long as you give credit; see LICENCE.txt for details.

Uses PHP-NBT-Decoder-Encoder by Justin Martion https://github.com/TheFrozenFire/PHP-NBT-Decoder-Encoder