
Find similar pages or files based on similarities between fields

kirby3, kirby3-cms, kirby3-plugin, kirby-cms


GitHub release License Kirby 3 Pluginkit

Kirby Similar

Find related pages or files. Kirby 3 Similar is a Kirby CMS plugin that lets you find items related to the current item based on the similarity between fields. For each given field, the plugin calculates the Jaccard Index and then weighs all indices based on the factor for each field.

Example use case: The current page has a tags field with three values (red, green, blue). You want to find all sibling pages with a minimum Jaccard Index of 0.3 (which possible values between 0 and 1).

Commercial Usage

This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider

How is it different from the Kirby 3 Related plugin

  • It allows you to pass multiple fields as an array with a factor for each field, depending on the importance of this field for determining the similarity.
  • The similarity is calculated according to the Jaccard Index, rather than by the number of matches as in the Kirby 3 Related plugin.

A quick example that describes the difference:

Example 1:

Page A: blue, green Page B: blue, green

Matches: 2 Jaccard Index: 2/2 = 1

Example 2:

Page A: blue, green, yellow Page B: blue, green

Matches: 2 Jaccard Index: 2/3 = 0.66666

While both pages have the same number of matches, the Jaccard Index is lower in the second example, because the number of unique tags is taken into account as well.



Download the files and place them inside site/plugins/kirby-similar.

Git Submodule

You can add the plugin as a Git submodule.

$ cd your/project/root
$ git submodule add https://github.com/texnixe/kirby3-similar.git site/plugins/kirby-similar
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ git commit -am "Add Kirby Similar plugin"

Run these commands to update the plugin:

$ cd your/project/root
$ git submodule foreach git checkout master
$ git submodule foreach git pull
$ git commit -am "Update submodules"
$ git submodule update --init --recursive


Similar pages


$similarPages = $page->similar($options);

foreach($similarPages as $p) {
  echo $p->title();

Similar files


$similarImages = $image->similar($options);

foreach($similarImages as $image) {
  echo $image->filename();


You can pass an array of options:

$similarPages = $page->similar([
  'index' => $page->siblings(false)->listed(),
  'fields'         => 'tags',
  'threshold'      => 0.2,
  'delimiter'      => ',',
  'languageFilter' => false


The collection to search in. Default: $item->siblings(false) (The false argument excludes the current page from the collection)


The name of the field to search in. Default: tags

Single field You can pass a single field as string:

'fields' => 'tags'

Multiple fields

You can also pass multiple fields as array:

'fields' => ['tags', 'size', 'category']

In this case, all fields get the same factor 1.

You can also pass an associative array with a factor for each field:

'fields' => ['tags' => 1, 'size' => 1.5, 'category' => 3]

You might want to change the factor of individual fields when filtering collections to get better result. For example, assign a higher factor dynamically if the filter parameter is set to size:

'fields' => ['tags' => 0.5, 'size' => 2, 'category' => 1]


The delimiter that you use to separate values in a field Default: ,


The minimum Jaccard Index, i.e. a value between 0 (no similarity) and 1 (full similarity) Default: 0.1


Filter similar items by language in a multi-language installation. Default: false


Kirby 3 Similar is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2019 Sonja Broda info@texniq.de https://sonjabroda.com