
A highly opinionated deployment tool for Laravel applications.

ssh, laravel, deployment, php


A Highly opinionated deployment tool for Laravel

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Attaché is a deployment tool for Laravel originally based on the Laravel Envoy task runner and built around the ideas I wrote here. The original version of Attaché was actually just a wrapper around Envoy with a predefind script (hence the name). It's evolved quite a bit since then.

Learn how to use Attaché: Official Documentation

Quick Start

Install Attache globally using Composer:

composer global require thepublicgood/attache

Create a new .attache.json configuration file in your project with:

attache init

Update the config file to reflect your server and repository settings making sure the specified root directory exists on the server. Then install your project onto the server with:

attache install

Now update the new .env file on your server, cache the config, and whatever other tasks you need to complete. That's it! Deployment complete.

Whenever you need to deploy a new version, simply run:

attache deploy

You can see all the releases on the server with:

attache releases:list

And clean them up with:

attache releases:prune

For more things you can do, simple run attache without any commands to get a list.

Happy deploying!