
Tempus project core is intended as the core code used by The Tempus Project: a rapid prototyping framework. This library utilizes the MVC architecture in addition to a custom templating engine designed to make building web applications simple.

templating, framework, mvc, core, library, mvc-core, php, tempus


Tempus Project Core

Framework Core Library

Developer(s): Joey Kimsey

TempusProjectCore is the foundational functionality used by The Tempus Project a rapid prototyping framework. There has been no clear effort to ensure this Library will function in stand-alone environments and there are no plans to do so at this time.

This library utilizes the MVC architecture in addition to a custom templating engine designed to make building web applications simple.

Notice: This code is in still not production ready. This Library is provided as is, please use at your own risk.

Installation and Use

The easiest way to use TPC in your own application is to install and initialize it via composer.

"require": {

    "TheTempusProject/TempusProjectCore": "*",


"autoload": {

    "psr-4": {

        "TempusProjectCore\": "vendor/TheTempusProject/TempusProjectCore"



If you prefer to handle auto-loading via other means, you can simply clone this repository wherever you need it. Please note, you will need to install and load the firephp library in order to utilize the debug to console options.