This library enables internationalization and translation features in Skeleton.
Installation via composer:
composer require tigron/skeleton-i18n
Run the migrations to update the database schema:
skeleton migrate:up
Configure the package:
* The path to store the po files
* \Skeleton\I18n\Config::$po_directory is deprecated
\Skeleton\I18n\Config::$po_path = '/my_app/po';
* Define a temporary folder to cache all translations
* \Skeleton\I18n\Config::$cache_directory is deprecated
\Skeleton\I18n\Config::$cache_path = '/my_app/tmp/languages';
* Optional:
* skeleton-i18n keeps translations for templates per application.
* For every skeleton application in your project a different po file is
* created that contains all strings to be translated for the given
* application.
* If for some reason, you want to include more templates, this can
* be done via the following configuration.
\Skeleton\I18n\Config::$additional_template_paths['pdf'] = '/my_app/pdf/templates';
* Optional:
* Set another Language interface
\Skeleton\I18n\Config::$language_interface = '\Language';
* Optional:
* Enable auto fill po file when requesting translation
* Default to false
\Skeleton\I18n\Config::$auto_fill_po = true;
Use it:
Via a twig template rendered by skeleton-template-twig:
{% trans "To be translated" %}
Directly via PHP:
$language = Language::get_by_name_short('en');
$application_name = 'admin';
$translation = \Skeleton\I18n\Translation::get($language, $application_name);
\Skeleton\I18n\Translation::translate('To be translated', $translation);