
A bunch of libraries




Collection of classes/libs




Via Composer

$ composer require undeadyetii/libraries



A String class with built-in helpful functions. Hint: The Str class can be directly printed as a string to print its string value (echo $str)

$str = new Str('This is a test');
$str->contains($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // does the haystack contain an instance of $needle?
$str->indexFirst($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // get index of the first occurance of $needle
$str->indexLast($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // get index of the last occurance of $needle
$str->startsWith($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // does the string start with $needle?
$str->endsWith($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // does the string end with $needle?
$str->afterLast($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // get string AFTER the LAST occurance of $needle
$str->afterFirst($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // get string AFTER the FIRST occurance of $needle
$str->beforeLast($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // get string BEFORE the LAST occurance of $needle
$str->beforeFirst($needle, $ignoreCase = false); // get string BEFORE the FIRST occurance of $needle
$str->first($length); // grab the first $length characters
$str->last($length); // grab the last $length characters
$str->isLowerCase(); // is the string all lowercase?
$str->isUpperCase(); // is the string all uppercase?
$str->toLowerCase(); // convert string to lowercase
$str->toUpperCase(); // convert string to uppercase
$str->isCapitalized(); // Check if first letter of string is capitalized
$str->isCapitalizedWords($forceLowerCaseOther = false); // Check if each word is capitalized (Check all following letters are lowercase -- e.g. not all CAPS)
$str->capitalizeWords(); // capitalizes each word in the string.
$str->capitalizeTitle(); // capitalizes each word in the string except 'a', 'in', 'the', and more. Also capitalizes Roman Numerals
$str->isRomanNumerals(); // checks if string is roman numerals (case insensitive)
$str->replace($find, $replace, $ignoreCase = false); // replaces $find with $replace
$str->replaceRegex($regex, $replace); // $regex is full regex string "/like-so/i"
$str->replaceFirst($find, $replace, $ignoreCase = false); // replaces FIRST instance of $find with $replace 
$str->replaceLast(); // replaces LAST instance of $find with $replace
$str->suffix($suffix, $ifNotExists = false, $ignoreCase = false); // add suffix to string. If suffix exists and $ifNotExist==true, it won't append.
$str->prefix();  // add prefix to string. If prefix exists and $ifNotExist==true, it won't prepend.
$str->replaceSuffix($find, $replace, $ignoreCase = false); // find/replace suffix if string ends with $find
$str->replacePrefix($find, $replace, $ignoreCase = false); // find/replace prefix if string starts with $find
$str->between($first, $last, $ignoreCase = false); // substring between FIRST $first and FIRST $last delims.
$str->betweenGreedy($first, $last, $ignoreCase = false); // Same as between() however between FIRST $first and LAST $last
$str->betweenLazy($first, $last, $ignoreCase = false); // Same as between() however between LAST $first and LAST $last
$str->equals($string, $ignoreCase = false); // does the $string match?
$str->words($delim = null, $ignoreEmpty = false); // return an array of words (delimitered by '/(\s[\W]\s|[\s])/').. overridden by $delim
$str->wordCount($delim = null, $ignoreEmpty = false); // get count of words from words()
$str->characters(); // return an array of characters in string
$str->length(); // return length of string
$str->html(); // return htmlspecialchars version of string
$str->newline($newline = "\n"); // normalize newlines to $newline
$str->reverse(); // return reversed string
$str->acronym($outputCapitalised = false, $ignoreLowerCase = false); // return acronym of string ('Laugh out loud' would be 'Lol'). Capitalised output: 'LOL' and ignore-lowercase: 'L'
$str->parseDir($path1 [, $path2...]); // concatenate all string args into valid directory string delimitered by single slash
$str->stripExtension(); // Remove extension ('Readme.txt' would be 'Readme')
$str->url(); // Make url-friendly version of the string (lowercase + only A-Z and 0-9 and hyphens for spaces)

// You can also use Str class statically (MUST pass source string variable before other args)
Str::contains($haystack, $needle); // notice the difference? $str->contains($needle);
Str::html($haystack); // and $str->html();
Str::replace($haystack, $find, $replace, $ignoreCase); // and $str->replace($find, $replace, $ignoreCase);


An Array class with built-in helpful functions Unlike Str class, Arr cannot automatically cast to an Array, you'll need to go $arr->toArray() ($arr->toObject() is also supported)

$arr = new Arr(['apple', 'orange', 'banana']);
$arr->indexOf($needle, $default = null); // get the index of $needle ('banana' would be '1')
$arr->indexesOf($needle, $default = null); // Like indexOf() except it will return an array, containing indexes of all matches
$arr->at($needle, $default = null); // get value where key==$needle
$arr->get($key, $default = null, $delim = '.'); // Similar to at, however allows dot-notation naviagation ('user.settings.display_box') looks for $arr['user']['settings']['display_box'])
$arr->set($needle, $value = null, $delim = '.'); // like get() but set. Will create subarrays as needed.
$arr->extend($arr1 [, $arr2...]); // merge function
$arr->merge($arr1 [, $arr2...]); // alias of extend
$arr->shuffle(); // shuffle the array
$arr->length(); // get length of array
$arr->keys(); // get array keys in array
$arr->values(); // grab array of values in array
$arr->map(function($val) {
	return shuffle($val);
}); // map a closure or callback to each value in array
$arr->append($new_val); // append a value to the end of an array
$arr->prepend($new_val); // prepend a value to the beginning of an array
$arr->first(); // shift first element off array, return shifted value
$arr->last(); // pop last element off array, return popped value

// You can also use Arr class statically (MUST pass source string variable before other args)
Arr::indexOf($array, $needle, $default = null); // notice the difference? $arr->indexOf($needle, $default = null);
Arr::at($array, $needle, $default = null); // and $arr->at($needle, $default = null);
Arr::keys($array); // and $arr->keys();


A Number class with built-in helpful functions for managing numbers.

$num = new Num(10);
$num->toInt(); //  Convert to an integer
$num->toNatural(); // Return the absolute value
$num->toFloat(); // Convert to a float
$num->value(); // Return the value (or 0 if non-numeric)
$num->toRomanNumerals(); // Convert the value to Roman numerals
$num->padZero($length); // Add padding of zeros
$num->squareRoot(); // Find the square root
$num->nthRoot(); // Find the nth root
$num->isPositive(); // Returns true if the value is positive
$num->isNegative(); // Returns true if the value is negative
$num->increment(); // Increment the value
$num->decrement(); // Decrement the value
$num->round($x); // Round to $x decimal places

Num::romanNumeralsToInt($str); // Convert Roman numerals to an int
Num::isRomanNumerals($str); // Checks if valid Roman numerals are provided


$ composer test



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