
Easily integrate with your community helpdesk system using the uvdesk api bundle.

create-ticket, fetch-all-tickets, ticket-management, trash-ticket, uvdesk-api-bundle, view-ticket


The API bundle allows integration developers to utilize uvdesk's REST api to easily communicate with their community helpdesk system.


This bundle can be easily integrated into any symfony application (though it is recommended that you're using Symfony 4 as things have changed drastically with the newer Symfony versions). Before continuing, make sure that you're using PHP 7.2 or higher and have Composer installed.

To require the api bundle into your symfony project, simply run the following from your project root:

$ composer require uvdesk/api-bundle

After installing api bundle run the below command:

$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Finally clear your project cache by below command(write prod if running in production environment i.e --env prod):

$ php bin/console cache:clear --env dev

Getting Started


The API Bundle and libraries included within the bundle are released under the OSL-3.0 license