Web-API - PHP Client
Access Sponge powered Minecraft servers through a WebAPI
This is the documentation of the various API routes offered by the WebAPI plugin.
This documentation assumes that you are familiar with the basic concepts of Web API's, such as GET
methods, request HEADERS
and JSON
By default this documentation can be found at http:/localhost:8080 (while your minecraft server is running) and the various routes start with http:/localhost:8080/api/v5...
As a quick test try reaching the route http:/localhost:8080/api/v5/info (remember that you can only access \"localhost\" routes on the server on which you are running minecraft). This route should show you basic information about your server, like the motd and player count.
List endpoints
Lots of objects offer an endpoint to list all objects (e.g. GET: /world
to get all worlds). These endpoints return only the properties marked 'required' by default, because the list might be quite large. If you want to return ALL data for a list endpoint add the query parameter details
, (e.g. GET: /world?details
Remember that in this case the data returned by the endpoint might be quite large.
Debugging endpoints
Apart from the ?details
flag you can also pass some other flags for debugging purposes. Remember that you must include the first query parameter with ?
, and further ones with &
: Includes details for list endpoints -
: Manually set the accept content type. This is good for browser testing, BUT DON'T USE THIS IN PRODUCTION, YOU CAN SUPPLY THEAccepts
: Pretty prints the data, also good for debugging in the browser.
An example request might look like this: http://localhost:8080/api/v5/world?details&accpet=json&pretty&key=MY-API-KEY
Additional data
Certain endpoints (such as /player
, /entity
and /tile-entity
have additional properties which are not documented here, because the data depends on the concrete object type (eg. Sheep
have a wool color, others do not) and on the other plugins/mods that are running on your server which might add additional data.
You can also find more information in the github docs (https:/github.com/Valandur/Web-API/tree/master/docs/DATA.md)
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 5.4.2-S7.1.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://github.com/Valandur
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git"
"require": {
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyHeader
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-WebAPI-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-WebAPI-Key', 'Bearer');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyQuery
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('key', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\ActiveTimeApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$details = true; // bool | Add to include additional details, omit or false otherwise
$accept = "accept_example"; // string | Override the 'Accept' request header (useful for debugging your requests)
$pretty = true; // bool | Add to make the Web-API pretty print the response (useful for debugging your requests)
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getServerReport($details, $accept, $pretty);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ActiveTimeApi->getServerReport: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/v5
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActiveTimeApi | getServerReport | GET /active-time | Server report |
ActiveTimeApi | getUserReport | GET /active-time/user/{uuid} | User report |
BlockApi | createBlockOperation | POST /block/op | Create a block operation |
BlockApi | deleteBlockOperation | DELETE /block/op/{uuid} | Stop a block operation |
BlockApi | getBlock | GET /block/{world}/{x}/{y}/{z} | Get a block |
BlockApi | getBlockOperation | GET /block/op/{uuid} | Get a block operation |
BlockApi | listBlockOperations | GET /block/op | List block operations |
BlockApi | modifyBlockOperation | PUT /block/op/{uuid} | Modify a block operation |
ChunkApi | createChunkAt | POST /chunk/{world}/{x}/{z} | Load & Generate a chunk |
ChunkApi | getChunkAt | GET /chunk/{world}/{x}/{z} | Get a chunk |
ChunkApi | listChunks | GET /chunk/{world} | List chunks |
CmdSchedulerApi | deleteTask | DELETE /cmd-scheduler/{name} | Delete a task |
CmdSchedulerApi | listTasks | GET /cmd-scheduler | List tasks |
CommandApi | getCommand | GET /cmd/{cmd} | Get a command |
CommandApi | listCommands | GET /cmd | List commands |
CommandApi | runCommands | POST /cmd | Execute a command |
EconomyApi | getAccount | GET /economy/account/{id} | List currencies |
EconomyApi | getCurrencies | GET /economy/currency | List currencies |
EntityApi | createEntity | POST /entity | Spawn an entity |
EntityApi | executeMethod | POST /entity/{entity}/method | Execute a method |
EntityApi | getEntity | GET /entity/{entity} | Get entity |
EntityApi | listEntities | GET /entity | List entities |
EntityApi | modifyEntity | PUT /entity/{entity} | Modify an entity |
EntityApi | removeEntity | DELETE /entity/{entity} | Destroy an entity |
HistoryApi | getChat | GET /history/message | Get message history |
HistoryApi | getCommands | GET /history/cmd | Get command history |
InfoApi | getInfo | GET /info | Server info |
InfoApi | getStats | GET /info/stats | Server stats |
InfoApi | listServlets | GET /info/servlets | List servlets |
InteractiveMessageApi | getMessage | GET /interactive-message/{uuid} | Get a message |
InteractiveMessageApi | listMessages | GET /interactive-message | List messages |
InteractiveMessageApi | sendMessage | POST /interactive-message | Send a message |
InventoryApi | addElement | POST /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Add element |
InventoryApi | closeRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Close renderer |
InventoryApi | createMenu | POST /megamenus/menu | Create menu |
InventoryApi | createRenderer | POST /megamenus/render/{mid} | Create menu |
InventoryApi | deleteElement | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Delete menu |
InventoryApi | deleteMenu | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Delete menu |
InventoryApi | deletePage | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Delete a page of elements |
InventoryApi | deleteRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/renderer/{mid} | Delete menu |
InventoryApi | findRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/find/{viewer} | Get the renderer for viewer |
InventoryApi | getElement | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Get menu |
InventoryApi | getMenu | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Get menu |
InventoryApi | getPage | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Reads a single page of elements |
InventoryApi | getRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/{mid} | Get the renderer for this menu |
InventoryApi | listMenus | GET /megamenus/menu | List menus |
InventoryApi | listRenderer | GET /megamenus/render | List renderer |
InventoryApi | openRenderer | PUT /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Open renderer |
InventoryApi | setElement | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Update menu |
InventoryApi | setMenu | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Update menu |
MapApi | getMap | GET /map/{world}/{x}/{z} | Get a map tile |
MegaMenusApi | addElement | POST /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Add element |
MegaMenusApi | closeRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Close renderer |
MegaMenusApi | createMenu | POST /megamenus/menu | Create menu |
MegaMenusApi | createRenderer | POST /megamenus/render/{mid} | Create menu |
MegaMenusApi | deleteElement | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Delete menu |
MegaMenusApi | deleteMenu | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Delete menu |
MegaMenusApi | deletePage | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Delete a page of elements |
MegaMenusApi | deleteRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/renderer/{mid} | Delete menu |
MegaMenusApi | findRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/find/{viewer} | Get the renderer for viewer |
MegaMenusApi | getElement | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Get menu |
MegaMenusApi | getMenu | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Get menu |
MegaMenusApi | getPage | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Reads a single page of elements |
MegaMenusApi | getRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/{mid} | Get the renderer for this menu |
MegaMenusApi | listMenus | GET /megamenus/menu | List menus |
MegaMenusApi | listRenderer | GET /megamenus/render | List renderer |
MegaMenusApi | openRenderer | PUT /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Open renderer |
MegaMenusApi | setElement | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Update menu |
MegaMenusApi | setMenu | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Update menu |
MenuApi | addElement | POST /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Add element |
MenuApi | closeRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Close renderer |
MenuApi | createMenu | POST /megamenus/menu | Create menu |
MenuApi | createRenderer | POST /megamenus/render/{mid} | Create menu |
MenuApi | deleteElement | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Delete menu |
MenuApi | deleteMenu | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Delete menu |
MenuApi | deletePage | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Delete a page of elements |
MenuApi | deleteRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/renderer/{mid} | Delete menu |
MenuApi | findRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/find/{viewer} | Get the renderer for viewer |
MenuApi | getElement | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Get menu |
MenuApi | getMenu | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Get menu |
MenuApi | getPage | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Reads a single page of elements |
MenuApi | getRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/{mid} | Get the renderer for this menu |
MenuApi | listMenus | GET /megamenus/menu | List menus |
MenuApi | listRenderer | GET /megamenus/render | List renderer |
MenuApi | openRenderer | PUT /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Open renderer |
MenuApi | setElement | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Update menu |
MenuApi | setMenu | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Update menu |
PermissionApi | getCollection | GET /permission/collection/{id} | Get collection |
PermissionApi | getSubject | GET /permission/collection/{id}/subject/{subId} | Get subject |
PermissionApi | listCollections | GET /permission/collection | List collections |
PermissionApi | listSubjects | GET /permission/collection/{id}/subject | List subjects |
PlayerApi | executeMethod | POST /player/{player}/method | Execute a method |
PlayerApi | getPlayer | GET /player/{player} | Get a player |
PlayerApi | listPlayers | GET /player | List players |
PlayerApi | modifyPlayer | PUT /player/{player} | Modify a player |
PluginApi | changePluginConfig | POST /plugin/{plugin}/config | Change plugin configs |
PluginApi | getPlugin | GET /plugin/{plugin} | Get a plugin |
PluginApi | getPluginConfig | GET /plugin/{plugin}/config | Get plugin configs |
PluginApi | listPlugins | GET /plugin | List plugins |
PluginApi | togglePlugin | PUT /plugin/{plugin} | Toggle a plugin |
RecipeApi | listRecipes | GET /recipe | List recipes |
RedProtectApi | createRegion | POST /red-protect/region | Create a region |
RedProtectApi | deleteRegion | DELETE /red-protect/region/{id} | Delete a region |
RedProtectApi | getRegion | GET /red-protect/region/{id} | Get a region |
RedProtectApi | listRegions | GET /red-protect/region | List regions |
RedProtectApi | modifyRegion | PUT /red-protect/region/{id} | Modify a region |
RegistryApi | getRegistry | GET /registry/{class} | Get a catalog type |
ServerApi | listProperties | GET /server/properties | List server properties |
ServerApi | modifyProperties | PUT /server/properties | Modify server properties |
TileEntityApi | executeMethod | POST /tile-entity/{world}/{x}/{y}/{z}/method | Execute a method |
TileEntityApi | getTileEntity | GET /tile-entity/{world}/{x}/{y}/{z} | Get tile entity |
TileEntityApi | listTileEntities | GET /tile-entity | List tile entities |
TileEntityApi | modifyTileEntity | PUT /tile-entity/{world}/{x}/{y}/{z} | Modify tile entity |
UIApi | addElement | POST /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Add element |
UIApi | closeRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Close renderer |
UIApi | createMenu | POST /megamenus/menu | Create menu |
UIApi | createRenderer | POST /megamenus/render/{mid} | Create menu |
UIApi | deleteElement | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Delete menu |
UIApi | deleteMenu | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Delete menu |
UIApi | deletePage | DELETE /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Delete a page of elements |
UIApi | deleteRenderer | DELETE /megamenus/renderer/{mid} | Delete menu |
UIApi | findRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/find/{viewer} | Get the renderer for viewer |
UIApi | getElement | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Get menu |
UIApi | getMenu | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Get menu |
UIApi | getPage | GET /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page} | Reads a single page of elements |
UIApi | getRenderer | GET /megamenus/render/{mid} | Get the renderer for this menu |
UIApi | listMenus | GET /megamenus/menu | List menus |
UIApi | listRenderer | GET /megamenus/render | List renderer |
UIApi | openRenderer | PUT /megamenus/render/{mid}/{viewer} | Open renderer |
UIApi | setElement | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid}/{page}/{y}/{x} | Update menu |
UIApi | setMenu | PUT /megamenus/menu/{mid} | Update menu |
UniversalMarketApi | listMarketItems | GET /universal-market/item | List items |
UserApi | createUser | POST /user | Create a user |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /user/{name} | Delete a user |
UserApi | getMe | GET /user/me | Check info |
UserApi | getUsers | GET /user | List users |
UserApi | login | POST /user/login | Login |
UserApi | logout | POST /user/logout | Logout |
UserApi | logoutRedirect | GET /user/logout | |
UserApi | modifyUser | PUT /user/{name} | Update a user |
VShopsApi | addShopItem | POST /vshop/shop/{id}/item | Add Shop Item |
VShopsApi | createShop | POST /vshop/shop | Create Shops |
VShopsApi | deleteShop | DELETE /vshop/shop/{id} | Delete a Shop |
VShopsApi | deleteShopItem | DELETE /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Removes a Shop Item |
VShopsApi | getShop | GET /vshop/shop/{id} | Get a Shop |
VShopsApi | getShopItem | GET /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Get a Shop |
VShopsApi | listShopItems | GET /vshop/shop/{id}/item | List Shop Items |
VShopsApi | listShops | GET /vshop/shop | List Shops |
VShopsApi | updateShop | PUT /vshop/shop/{id} | Change Shop |
VShopsApi | updateShopItem | PUT /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Change Shop Item |
VillagerShopsApi | addShopItem | POST /vshop/shop/{id}/item | Add Shop Item |
VillagerShopsApi | addShopItem_0 | POST /vshop/shop/{id}/item | Add Shop Item |
VillagerShopsApi | createShop | POST /vshop/shop | Create Shops |
VillagerShopsApi | createShop_0 | POST /vshop/shop | Create Shops |
VillagerShopsApi | deleteShop | DELETE /vshop/shop/{id} | Delete a Shop |
VillagerShopsApi | deleteShopItem | DELETE /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Removes a Shop Item |
VillagerShopsApi | deleteShopItem_0 | DELETE /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Removes a Shop Item |
VillagerShopsApi | deleteShop_0 | DELETE /vshop/shop/{id} | Delete a Shop |
VillagerShopsApi | getShop | GET /vshop/shop/{id} | Get a Shop |
VillagerShopsApi | getShopItem | GET /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Get a Shop |
VillagerShopsApi | getShopItem_0 | GET /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Get a Shop |
VillagerShopsApi | getShop_0 | GET /vshop/shop/{id} | Get a Shop |
VillagerShopsApi | listShopItems | GET /vshop/shop/{id}/item | List Shop Items |
VillagerShopsApi | listShopItems_0 | GET /vshop/shop/{id}/item | List Shop Items |
VillagerShopsApi | listShops | GET /vshop/shop | List Shops |
VillagerShopsApi | listShops_0 | GET /vshop/shop | List Shops |
VillagerShopsApi | updateShop | PUT /vshop/shop/{id} | Change Shop |
VillagerShopsApi | updateShopItem | PUT /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Change Shop Item |
VillagerShopsApi | updateShopItem_0 | PUT /vshop/shop/{id}/item/{item} | Change Shop Item |
VillagerShopsApi | updateShop_0 | PUT /vshop/shop/{id} | Change Shop |
WebBooksApi | createWebBook | POST /web-books/book | Create a book |
WebBooksApi | deleteWebBook | DELETE /web-books/book/{id} | Delete a book |
WebBooksApi | getWebBook | GET /web-books/book/{id} | Get a book |
WebBooksApi | getWebBookContent | GET /web-books/book/{id}/html | Book HTML |
WebBooksApi | getWebBookContentPost | POST /web-books/book/{id}/html | Book HTML |
WebBooksApi | listWebBooks | GET /web-books/book | List books |
WebBooksApi | modifyWebBook | PUT /web-books/book/{id} | Modify a book |
WorldApi | createWorld | POST /world | Create a world |
WorldApi | deleteWorld | DELETE /world/{world} | Delete a world |
WorldApi | executeMethod | POST /world/{world}/method | Execute a method |
WorldApi | getWorld | GET /world/{world} | Get a world |
WorldApi | listWorlds | GET /world | List worlds |
WorldApi | modifyWorld | PUT /world/{world} | Modify a world |
Documentation For Models
- AcceptsItems
- Account
- Advancement
- AgeableData
- ArmorSlotType
- ArmorStandData
- AuthenticationRequest
- BannerData
- BeaconData
- BlockOperation
- BlockState
- BreathingData
- BrewingStandData
- CachedObject
- Career
- CatalogType
- CatalogTypeAdvancementTree
- CatalogTypeCurrency
- CatalogTypeDifficulty
- CatalogTypeDimensionType
- CatalogTypeEntityType
- CatalogTypeGameMode
- CatalogTypeGeneratorType
- CatalogTypeInventoryArchetype
- CatalogTypeWeather
- Cause
- Chunk
- Color
- Command
- CommandCall
- CommandData
- CommandResult
- CommandTask
- CreateBlockOperationRequest
- CreateEntityRequest
- CreateUserRequest
- CreateWorldRequest
- Currency
- DamageRequest
- DamageableData
- DespawnDelayData
- DurabilityData
- DyeColor
- Enchantment
- EndGatewayData
- Entity
- EntityArchtype
- EntitySnapshot
- EquipmentSlotType
- ExecuteCommandRequest
- ExecuteCommandResponse
- ExecuteMethodParam
- ExecuteMethodRequest
- ExecuteMethodResponse
- ExperienceHolderData
- FallingBlockData
- FireworkEffect
- FireworkRocketData
- FluidStack
- FoodData
- FurnaceData
- FuseData
- GameMode
- GrowthData
- GuiIdProperty
- HealthData
- HideData
- HorseData
- Identifiable
- IgniteableData
- InlineResponse400
- InlineResponse401
- InlineResponse403
- InlineResponse404
- InlineResponse500
- InteractiveMessage
- InteractiveMessageOption
- Inventory
- InventoryCapacity
- InventoryDimension
- InventoryTitle
- InvisibilityData
- InvulnerabilityData
- ItemStack
- JoinData
- LeashData
- LocalDate
- Location
- MegaMenusElement
- MegaMenusRenderer
- MenuMenusMenu
- Message
- MinecartBlockData
- MobSpawnerData
- ModifyBlockOperationRequest
- ModifyUserRequest
- PatternLayer
- PermissionStruct
- PickupDelayData
- Player
- PluginContainer
- PluginDependency
- PotionEffect
- RedProtectRegion
- Schedule
- ServerInfo
- ServerProperty
- ServerReport
- ServerStat
- ServerStatDouble
- ServerStatInteger
- ServerStats
- SlimeData
- Slot
- SlotIndex
- SlotPos
- SlotRequest
- SlotSide
- Stat
- StructureData
- Subject
- SubjectCollection
- TableEntry
- TableEntryEntityArchetype
- TameableData
- TileEntity
- TimeHolder
- TradeOffer
- Transform
- UniversalMarketItem
- UpdateEntityRequest
- UpdatePlayerRequest
- UpdateTileEntityRequest
- UpdateWorldRequest
- UserPermissionStruct
- UserReport
- Vector2i
- Vector3d
- Vector3i
- VehicleData
- VillagerShopsShop
- VillagerShopsStockItem
- WebBooksBook
- WireAttachmentData
- World
- WorldBorder
- BlockChangeOperation
- BlockGetOperation
- ChatMessage
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-WebAPI-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: key
- Location: URL query string