PHP Downloader Library
$redisClient = new Redis();
$redisClient->connect('localhost', 6379);
$redisCachePool = new RedisCachePool($redisClient);
$downloader = Downloader($redisCachePool);
$task = Task::builder()
->validate(function ($response) {
return strlen($response) > 1024;
->cache('pages.', 12 * 3600)
->add(1, 'http://example/page/1')
->add(2, 'http://example/page/2')
->add(9, 'http://example/page/9')
This will
- send multi curl requests to the specified URLs, 12 in each batch.
- The successful responses will be kept in cache for 12 hours.
- The downloader will try to download each page 3 times before moving to the next batch.
- If last failure was less than 2 minutes, a new download will not be attempted.
- Only responses longer than 1024 are treated as successful
$results = $downloader->execute($task);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($result->successful()) {
echo $result->content();
} elseif ($result->failed()) {
echo 'Failed to fetch';
} elseif ($result->skipped()) {
echo 'Skipping result, to avoid too many retries';
- Embed Guzzle and use standards, keep this as a lean interface only
- Add more tests