
Vinou Translation files

translations, Vinou


Vinou - Translations library

The Vinou platform itself depends on this library and therefore it is continuously integrated and right under development. Regarding this the translation files contains work on every period of our platform work.

The following README documents the current status quo of translation definition rules. Regarding the huge amount of language keys and other webprojects that are depending on older coding guidelines the translation files looks sometimes really confusing.

Table of contents

1. Contribution

If you want to contribute, feel free to join and create pull request. We want to be sure that most of depending web projects could easily be updated, therefore it could take some time that your work is added. Feel free to contact us via PN, mail to or phone call to +49 61316245390.

2. Coding Guidelines

  1. If A key is used for an array of keys it is always plural, for example countries or wineRegions
  2. If A key identifies an Object or only a String it is always singular, for example wine, product, bundle
  3. All identifiers have to be lowerCamelCase. Hyphens, underscores or other separators are not allowed. In special cases ids may be used when translation represents static database objects like grapeTypes.
  4. If an object is used in more than two other objects, it may be defined under the general object
  5. If an object containes multiple static options the values should be defined in the parent object as array, for example: the product object has a field type with 3 static options, the options should be defined as "types" in object "product".
  6. All keys should be in alpha numerical order, except properties of base objects (see below).
"product": {
  "fields": {
    "type": "Type of product"
  "types": {
    "optionOne": "Option 1",
    "optionTwo": "Option 2",
    "optionThree": "Option 3"

3. Standard object keys

Each object may define certain standard keys shown below in preferred definition order.

key description
name Singular and plural names of an entity
actions Special actions available for this object. Actions may be defined as single string or object of the following form:
actions.[ACTION].main First line of action button in application
actions.[ACTION].sub Second line of action button in application
fields Field indentifiers normally a string directly used as label
fields.[FIELD].label Label for form field if more than a label is defined for a field
fields.[FIELD].placeholder Placeholder for form field
fields.[FIELD].hint Special hint for a form field
fieldSets Form areas to devide fields into seperate sections
views Special defined views like pages, tabs, ...
filters Filter properties used in view, tab oder fieldSet
dialogs Dialog texts regarding this object
toasts Toasts regarding this object. Toast keys shall be defined in past tense for standard toasts or present tense followed by "Error" for error toasts
hints Hints for this object in views, tabs, fieldsets
[xyzTypes] Object related types or categories

4. Object example

"bundle": {
  "name": {
    "singular": "Weinpaket",
    "plural": "Weinpakete"
  "actions": {
    "addItem": "+ Artikel hinzufügen",
    "create": {
      "main": "Neues Weinpaket",
      "sub": "anlegen"
  "fields": {
    "active": "aktiv",
    "articleNumber": {
      "label": "Art.-Nr.",
      "placeholder": "SKU 000 - 0000000"
    "category": "Kategorie",
    "description": "Beschreibung",
    "sorting": "Manueller Sortierindex (z.B. für den Shop)"
  "fieldSets": {
    "facts": "Daten & Fakten",
    "general": "Allgemeines",
    "items": "Artikel"
  "views": {
    "create": {
      "title": "Neues Weinpaket erstellen"
    "files": {
      "title": "Dateien",
      "empty": "Es liegen keine {label} zu diesem Weinpaket vor."
  "filters": {
    "category": {
      "label": "Kategorie auswählen",
      "none": "Pakete ohne Kategorie anzeigen"
    "search": {
      "placeholder": "z.B. Name, Beschreibung"
  "dialogs": {
    "delete": "Möchtest Du dieses Weinpaket wirklich löschen?"
  "toasts": {
    "changed": "Weinpaket geändert!",
    "changeError": "Weinpaket konnte nicht geändert werden!",
    "created": "Weinpaket angelegt!",
    "createError": "Weinpaket konnte nicht angelegt werden!",
    "deleted": "Weinpaket gelöscht!",
    "deleteError": "Weinpaket konnte nicht gelöscht werden!",
    "imageDeleted": "Bild zum Weinpaket gelöscht",
    "imageUploaded": "Bild zum Weinpaket hochgeladen!"
  "hints": {
    "imageSize": "<b>Empfehlung für optimale Darstellung</b><br>Abmessungen: 1500x1500px<br/>Datei-Format: .png (freigestellt)"
  "packageTypes": {
    "mixed": "Gemischt",
    "surprise": "Überaschungspaket",
    "wineOnly": "Nur Wein",

5. Twig Extension

This library also contains a Twig extension. To implement this extension you can use this code.

  $languageKey = 'de';
  $twig = new \Twig\Environment();
  $twig->addExtension(new \Vinou\Translations\TwigExtension($languageKey));

Afterwards you can use the translate filter in your template like this:

  <p id="wine">
    <a class="action-button">
      <span class="main">{{ 'wine.actions.create.main' | translate }}</span>
      <span class="sub">{{ 'wine.actions.create.sub' | translate }}</span>


This Library is developed by the Vinou GmbH.

Vinou GmbH
Mombacher Straße 68
55122 Mainz
Phone: +49 6131 6245390