
PHP Calendar

php, calendar



composer require w3lifer/php-calendar


Default configuration

Can be changed as you wish

$phpCalendar = new PhpCalendar([
    'language' => 'en',
    'monthNames' => ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
    'weekDayAbbrs' => ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'],
    'firstDayOfWeek' => 1,
    'timezone' => date_default_timezone_get(),

Method get()

This method is the main public method in this class:

public function get(
    int $numberOfMonths = 12,
    int $startMonth = null, // Default: date('n')
    int $startYear = null // Default: date('Y')
): PhpCalendar

It returns a PhpCalendar object with the following public properties:

  • $html string — calendar in HTML format
  • $prevPeriodParams array — parameters for the previous period
  • $nextPeriodParams array — parameters for the next period

The following period parameters are available (array keys):

  • numberOfMonth
  • startMonth
  • startYear

The PhpCalendar class also defines a __toString() method that simply returns its own $html property (HTML calendar)

Example of HTML calendar

<div class="php-calendar" data-timezone="UTC" data-timezone-offset="0">
    <div class="php-calendar_month-box" data-month-number="1">
                <span class="php-calendar_month-name">January</span>
                <span class="php-calendar_year-name">1970</span>
                <td data-week-number="1" data-day-number="363" data-timestamp="-259200" class="php-calendar_day_other-month">
                    <span class="php-calendar_day">29</span>
                <td data-week-number="1" data-day-number="364" data-timestamp="-172800" class="php-calendar_day_other-month">
                    <span class="php-calendar_day">30</span>
                <td data-week-number="1" data-day-number="365" data-timestamp="-86400" class="php-calendar_day_other-month">
                    <span class="php-calendar_day">31</span>
                <td data-week-number="1" data-day-number="1" data-timestamp="0">
                    <span class="php-calendar_day php-calendar_today">1</span>
                <td data-week-number="1" data-day-number="2" data-timestamp="86400">
                    <span class="php-calendar_day">2</span>
                <td data-week-number="1" data-day-number="3" data-timestamp="172800">
                    <span class="php-calendar_day">3</span>
                <td data-week-number="1" data-day-number="4" data-timestamp="259200">
                    <span class="php-calendar_day">4</span>

Example of 12-month calendar


$year = $_GET['year'] ?? null;
$phpCalendar = (new PhpCalendar())->get(12, 1, $year); // ->getYear($year);
$prevSearchParams = '?year=' . $phpCalendar->prevPeriodParams['startYear'];
$nextSearchParams = '?year=' . $phpCalendar->nextPeriodParams['startYear'];


<style>body {text-align: center;} table {margin: auto;}</style>
<a href="<?= $prevSearchParams ?>">«««</a> <a href="<?= $nextSearchParams ?>">»»»</a>

<?= $phpCalendar ?>

Example of periodic calendar


$numberOfMonths = $_GET['number-of-months'] ?? 6;
// Set `$startMonth` to `null` to get an auto-scrolling calendar
$startMonth = $_GET['start-month'] ?? 1;
$startYear = $_GET['start-year'] ?? null;
$phpCalendar = (new PhpCalendar())->get($numberOfMonths, $startMonth, $startYear);
$prevSearchParams =
    '?number-of-months=' . $numberOfMonths .
    '&start-month=' . $phpCalendar->prevPeriodParams['startMonth'] .
    '&start-year=' . $phpCalendar->prevPeriodParams['startYear'];
$nextSearchParams =
    '?number-of-months=' . $numberOfMonths .
    '&start-month=' . $phpCalendar->nextPeriodParams['startMonth'] .
    '&start-year=' . $phpCalendar->nextPeriodParams['startYear'];

<style>body {text-align: center;} table {margin: auto;}</style>
<a href="<?= $prevSearchParams ?>">«««</a> <a href="<?= $nextSearchParams ?>">»»»</a>

<?= $phpCalendar ?>


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