
This package is built to make it easier to interact with Wasiliana Api for Laravel developers.

laravel, LaravelSdk


Wasiliana Laravel Sdk

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This package is built for Laravel developers to easen interaction with Wasiliana Rest Api.

😃 Installation

composer require wasiliana/laravel-sdk

This command will install the latest version of the package.

⚙️ Configuration

You can use php artisan wasiliana:install to copy the distribution configuration file to your app's config directory:

php artisan wasiliana:install

This will copy wasiliana.php settings file in your config directory.

Settings available in config file published.

return [
    'sms' => [
        'service_1' => [
            'name' => 'test',
            'from' => env('SMS_SERVICE_1_SENDER_ID', 'WASILIANA'),
            'key' => env('SMS_SERVICE_1_API_KEY', null)
    'airtime' => [
        'service_1' => [
            'name' => 'testAirtime',
            'key' => env('AIRTIME_SERVICE_1_API_KEY', null)

In a scenario where you have more than one service; the structure will appear as below.

return [
    'sms' => [
        'service_1' => [
            'name' => 'testSms',
            'from' => env('SERVICE_1_SENDER_ID', 'WASILIANA'),
            'key' => env('SERVICE_1_API_KEY', null)
        'service_2' => [
            'name' => 'testSms2',
            'from' => env('SERVICE_2_SENDER_ID', 'WASILIANA'),
            'key' => env('SERVICE_2_API_KEY', null)
    'airtime' => [
        'service_1' => [
            'name' => 'testAirtime',
            'key' => env('AIRTIME_SERVICE_1_API_KEY', null)

🔥 Usage

1. Sms

Import the Sms Facade at the top;

use Wasiliana\LaravelSdk\Facades\Sms;

Example 1: request

Using default service configured in wasiliana config file

$response = Sms::to(['2547XXXXXYYY', '2547XXXXXZZZ']) //use an array for multiple recipients
    ->message('This cold...Mayoooo!!!') // your message
    ->send(); // fire request

// OR

$response = Sms::send('2547XXXXXYYY', 'This cold...Mayoooo!!!'); //compose message, add recipients and send

Example 2: request

Using a different service configured in wasiliana config file

$response = Sms::to('2547XXXXXYYY')
    ->message('This a test dispatch.')

// OR

$response = Sms::service('service_2')->send(['2547XXXXXYYY', '2547XXXXXZZZ'], 'This a send test using a different service.'); // for multiple recipients use an array

Example 3: Request

Defing a custom message_uid prefix

$response = Sms::to(['2547XXXXXYYY', '2547XXXXXZZZ'])
    ->message('This cold...Mayoooo!!!')
    ->prefix('notification') // custom message_uid prefix 

// OR

$response = Sms::send('2547XXXXXYYY', 'This cold...Mayoooo!!!', 'notification');

Example 4: Response

After every request a response in array format is returned

// success response
// a confirmation from Wasiliana that the request has been received.
    [status] => success
    [data] => Successfully Dispatched the sms to process
    [message_uid] => conversation_id_20220831154811

// error response
    [status] => error
    [message] => Error in the data provided
    [data] => Array
            [0] => The message field is required.


The confirmation of whether the message was delivered successfully, to a number, or not is delivered to the callback configured in your account.

2. Airtime

Import the Sms Facade at the top;

use Wasiliana\LaravelSdk\Facades\Airtime;

Example 1: Request

Using default service configured in wasiliana config file

$response = Airtime::amount(10)->phone('0720XXXYYY')->send();

Example 2: Request

Send same amount of airtime to multiple numbers at once

$response = Airtime::amount(10)->->phone(['0723XXXYYY', '0711YYYXXX'])->send();

Example 3: Request

Using a different service configured in wasiliana config file

$response = Airtime::amount(10)->phone('0720XXXYYY')->service('service_2')->send();

Example 4: Response

Success and error responses retirned

// success response
    [status] => success
    [message] => Ksh. 10 has been toped up sucessfuly

// error response
    [status] => error
    [message] => Error in the data provided
    [data] => Array
            [0] => The phone field is required.


    [status] => error
    [message] => You do not have sufficient airtime
    [data] => 

Environment variables

You can update your .env to have the SENDER_ID and API_KEY values instead of having them in the config file;



NOTE: You don't have to define a SENDER_ID in the .env when you are using the shared WASILIANA SENDER_ID


MIT. Please see the license file for more information.