
Widgets collection for Yii2

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Yii2 Widgets

Custom widgets collection for Yii2


The widget parses your HTML code for the presence of h1-h6 headers and forms a navigation list with the correct href, after which it render a Boostrap Nav before content.

If the h1-h6 headers does not have an id attribute, it will be generated automatically. The rest of the attributes of the headers, whether class, style or data will also be saved.


The same as in the case of NavContents::widget(), but the usual <ul> list is formed at the output.


  • PHP 5.6 or higher
  • Yii2 v.2.0.33 and newest


To install the widgets, run the following command in the console:

$ composer require "wdmg/yii2-widgets"


Example of usecase NavContents::widget() in view instance:


use wdmg\widgets\NavContents;

$content = '<h1>Header H1</h1><p>Some text, some text...</p><p>Some text, some text...</p>'


<?= NavContents::widget([
    'id' => "list1",
    'content' => $content, // where `$content` the html source with h1-h6 headers
    'renderContent' => true, // if `true` (by default) render content html after table of contents
    'transliterate' => true, // if need to convert href and ID to Latin (Cyrillic for example)
    'options' => [
        'class' => 'nav nav-stacked'
    ... // and other options for yii\bootstrap\Nav::widget()
]); ?>

Example of usecase MenuContents::widget() in view instance:


use wdmg\widgets\MenuContents;

$content = '<h1 id="test-header" class="header">Header H1</h1><p>Some text, some text...</p><p>Some text, some text...</p>'


<?= MenuContents::widget([
    'id' => "list2",
    'content' => $content, // where `$content` the html source with h1-h6 headers
    'renderContent' => true, // if `true` (by default) render content html after table of contents
    'transliterate' => true, // if need to convert href and ID to Latin (Cyrillic for example)
    'options' => [
        'class' => 'list-toc'
    ... // and other options for yii\widgets\Menu::widget()
]); ?>

Example of usecase LangSwitcher::widget() in view instance of dashboard:


use wdmg\widgets\LangSwitcher;

    echo LangSwitcher::widget([
        'label' => 'Language version',
        'model' => $model,
        'renderWidget' => 'button-group',
        'createRoute' => 'news/create', // string or array
        'updateRoute' => 'news/update', // string or array
        'supportLocales' => $this->context->module->supportLocales,
        'versions' => (isset($model->source_id)) ? $model->getAllVersions($model->source_id, true) : $model->getAllVersions($model->id, true),
        'options' => [
            'id' => 'locale-switcher',
            'class' => 'pull-right'

Example of usecase AliasInput::widget() in view instance of dashboard:


use wdmg\widgets\AliasInput;

<?= $form->field($model, 'alias')->widget(AliasInput::class, [
    'labels' => [
        'edit' => 'Edit',
        'save' => 'Save'
    'options' => [
        'baseUrl' => $model->url
])->label('Post URL'); ?>

Status and version [in progress development]

  • v.1.1.0 - Update copyrights
  • v.1.0.4 - URL`s options in LangSwitcher
  • v.1.0.3 - Added AliasInput::widget()
  • v.1.0.2 - Added LangSwitcher::widget()
  • v.1.0.1 - Up to date dependencies
  • v.1.0.0 - Added NavContents::widget() and MenuContents::widget()