
Adyen driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

wordpress, pay, gateway, adyen, wp, pronamic, adyen-plugin, payment, payment-gateway, wordpress-plugin, wp-pronamic-pay-gateway


WordPress Pay Gateway: Adyen

Adyen driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version PHP from Packagist Total Downloads Packagist Pre Release License Built with Grunt Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Build Status Code Intelligence Status FOSSA Status

Adyen Notifications (webhooks)

The Pronamic Pay Adyen gateway can handle Adyen notifications via the WordPress REST API.

Route: /wp-json/pronamic-pay/adyen/v1/notifications

The WordPress REST API Adyen notifications endpoint can be tested with for example cURL:

curl --request POST --user username:password http://pay.test/wp-json/pronamic-pay/adyen/v1/notifications

WordPress Filters


add_action( 'pronamic_pay_adyen_checkout_head', 'custom_adyen_checkout_head', 15 );

function custom_adyen_checkout_head() {
		get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/css/adyen-checkout.css',

	wp_print_styles( 'custom-adyen-checkout-style' );


add_filter( 'pronamic_pay_adyen_config_object', 'custom_adyen_config_object', 15 );

function custom_adyen_config_object( $config_object ) {
	$style_object = (object) array(
		'base'        => (object) array(
			'color'         => '#000',
			'fontSize'      => '14px',
			'lineHeight'    => '14px',
			'fontSmoothing' => 'antialiased',
		'error'       => (object) array(
			'color' => 'red',
		'placeholder' => (object) array(
			'color' => '#d8d8d8',
		'validated'   => (object) array(
			'color' => 'green',

	$config_object->paymentMethods = (object) array(
		'card' => (object) array(
			'sfStyles' => $style_object,

	return $config_object;

Production Environment

Dashboard URL: https://ca-live.adyen.com/
API URL: https://{LIVE_API_URL_PREFIX}-checkout-live.adyenpayments.com/checkout/v41/

Test Environment

Dashboard URL: https://ca-test.adyen.com/
API URL: https://checkout-test.adyen.com/v41/

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get the "Unable to instantiate the payment screen" notice?

Adyen says on August 12, 2019:

The "Unable to instantiate the payment screen" appears when Adyen doesn't have any available payment methods to display in our SDK.

Bancontact is exclusive to Belgium and I can see you in /paymentSession​ request, you set "countryCode" : "NL"​. Could you try setting this to BE​, then you should be able to see BCMC.


FOSSA Status