WPKG XML configuration generator
Library written on PHP7 for generating XML files with configuration for WPKG installer.
composer require drteam/wpkg-php
Check links for more info about WPKG.
If you need Active Directory support for generation hosts.xml
from domain PCs you can
look at WPKG-AD project, which based on this library.
Table of Contents
How to create XML
Some examples with descriptions you can find here.
Configuration settings for runtime behavior of wpkg.js
Config.xml file
Using the Config class, you can override the settings, if you specified a value different from the default value, your parameter will be added to the XML file.
If you do not specify anything, a configuration with default parameters will be generated.
$_config = new \WPKG\Config();
// Overwrite some attributes
->with('wpkg_base', 'http://example.com')
->with('quitonerror', true)
->with('debug', true);
// Now we can set the variables
->withVariable('PROG_FILES32', "%ProgramFiles%", null, "x86")
->withVariable('PROG_FILES32', "%ProgramFiles(x86)%", null, "x64")
->withVariable('DESKTOP', "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop", "Windows xp")
->withVariable('DESKTOP', "%PUBLIC%\Desktop", "Windows 7");
// Show current variant of generated XML
echo $_config->show();
Result of execution:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:profiles="http://www.wpkg.org/config" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/config xsd/config.xsd">
... a lot of lines with translations ...
<param name="wpkg_base" value="http://example.com"/>
<param name="quitonerror" value="true"/>
<param name="debug" value="true"/>
<variable name="PROG_FILES32" value="%ProgramFiles%" architecture="x86"/>
<variable name="PROG_FILES32" value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%" architecture="x64"/>
<variable name="DESKTOP" value="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop" os="Windows xp"/>
<variable name="DESKTOP" value="%PUBLIC%\Desktop" os="Windows 7"/>
Note about translations
At the moment, translations (creators of the WPKG project call them languages) are available for the following languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Russian (added by me)
- Spanish
Translations was taken from the config.xml file that was in the wpkg-1.3.1-bin.zip archive from the official website of the WPKG project.
All available translations of wpkg-php you can find here.
If you do not see your language on the list and want to help the project, then you can suggest your translation variant via issues or PR. Pay attention to LCID, these are unique language identifiers, a complete list of them you can find here.
Mappings between machine names and profile names.
Single host
If you want generate few hosts in separated files:
// Root container
$_host = new \WPKG\Host();
// Need to add some parameters
->with('name', 'host1')
->with('profile-id', 'profile1');
echo $_host->show();
Result is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hosts:wpkg xmlns:hosts="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts xsd/hosts.xsd">
<host name="host1" profile-id="profile1"/>
You also can set array of profiles:
// Root container
$_host = new \WPKG\Host();
// Need to add some parameters
->with('name', 'host1')
->with('profile-id', ['profile1', 'profile2', 'profile3']);
echo $_host->show();
And in result must be:
<hosts:wpkg xmlns:hosts="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts xsd/hosts.xsd">
<host name="host1" profile-id="profile1">
<profile profile-id="profile2"/>
<profile profile-id="profile3"/>
Hosts.xml file
If you need one large file with all your hosts:
// Root container
$_hosts = new Hosts();
* Test host #1
$host1 = new Host();
->with('name', 'host1')
->with('profile-id', 'profile1');
* Test host #2
$host2 = new Host();
->with('name', 'host2')
->with('profile-id', ['profile1', 'profile2', 'profile3']);
* Test host #3
$host3 = new Host();
->with('name', 'host3')
->with('profile-id', 'profile3');
echo $_hosts->show();
Result file hosts.xml into the wpkg_path folder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hosts:wpkg xmlns:hosts="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts xsd/hosts.xsd">
<host name="host1" profile-id="profile1"/>
<host name="host2" profile-id="profile1">
<profile profile-id="profile2"/>
<profile profile-id="profile3"/>
<host name="host3" profile-id="profile3"/>
Computers from Active Directory
This class based on adLdap library, so you can use any configuration parameters from this library.
Basic usage:
use \WPKG\Drivers\ADImport;
// Read AD configuration
$_config = include __DIR__ . '/adldap.php';
// Set Import object for work and put configuration inside
$_import = new ADImport($_config);
// You also can set config via specific method
// Choose work mode (only hosts available) and output the XML
$_hosts = $_import->import('hosts');
$out = $_hosts->show();
You should saw something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hosts:wpkg xmlns:hosts="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/hosts xsd/hosts.xsd">
<host name="user1.example.com" profile-id="default"/>
<host name="user2.example.com" profile-id="default"/>
<host name="user3.example.com" profile-id="default"/>
Specifies which packages will be installed/executed for each WPKG profile.
Single profile
If you want generate few profiles in separated files:
use WPKG\Profile;
$_profile = new \WPKG\Profile();
->with('id', 'profile1')
->with('packages', 'DotNet')
->with('depends', 'profile2');
// Show current variant of generated config
echo $_profile->show();
Result file (with name like .xml, eg profile1.xml like in current example) you can find into the wpkg_path/profiles/ subfolder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<profiles:profiles xmlns:profiles="http://www.wpkg.org/profiles" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/profiles xsd/profiles.xsd">
<profile id="profile1">
<depends profile-id="profile2"/>
<package package-id="DotNet"/>
You as in hosts also can set array of packages
or depends
Profiles.xml file
If you need one large file with all your profiles:
$_profiles = new \WPKG\Profiles();
* Test profile #1
$pr1 = new Profile();
$pr1->with('id', 'profile1');
* Test profile #2
$pr2 = new Profile();
$pr2->with('id', 'profile2')
->with('packages', 'DotNet');
* Test profile #3
$pr3 = new Profile();
$pr3->with('id', 'profile3')
->with('packages', ['Firefox', 'Chromium', 'Opera'])
->with('depends', 'profile1');
* Test profile #4
$pr4 = new Profile();
$pr4->with('id', 'profile4')
->with('packages', ['SuperBank', 'AnotherBank'])
->with('depends', ['profile1', 'profile2']);
* Test profile #5
$pr5 = new Profile();
$pr5->with('id', 'profile5')
->with('depends', 'profile3');
// Show current variant of generated config
echo $_profiles->show();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<profiles:profiles xmlns:profiles="http://www.wpkg.org/profiles" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/profiles xsd/profiles.xsd">
<profile id="profile1"/>
<profile id="profile2">
<package package-id="DotNet"/>
<profile id="profile3">
<depends profile-id="profile1"/>
<package package-id="Firefox"/>
<package package-id="Chromium"/>
<package package-id="Opera"/>
<profile id="profile4">
<depends profile-id="profile1"/>
<depends profile-id="profile2"/>
<package package-id="SuperBank"/>
<package package-id="AnotherBank"/>
<profile id="profile5">
<depends profile-id="profile3"/>
Defines software packages (commands for WPKG to install/uninstall programs, etc.)
Single package
If you want generate few packages in separated files:
use \WPKG\Package;
use \WPKG\PackageCheckExits;
$_package = new Package();
$_exits = new PackageCheckExits();
// Overwrite the attributes of tha class
->with('id', 'wpkg1')
->with('name', 'Windows Packager sample 1')
->with('revision', 1)
->with('priority', 0)
->with('reboot', 'false');
// Small check for Windows 7
->withCheck('registry', 'exists', 'HKLM\Software\wpkg\full\key\not\part\of\it')
->withCheck('file', 'exists', 'C:\wpkg\wpkg.bat')
->withCheck('uninstall', 'exists', 'WPKG 0.6-test1');
// Add few variables to package config
->withVariable('PROG_FILES32', "%ProgramFiles(x86)%", null, "x64")
->withVariable('DESKTOP', "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop", "Windows xp");
// We need set exit codes for some installation stages
->add(3010, true)
// Run command
->withCommand('install', 'msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"', 'test', $_exits)
->withCommand('remove', 'msiexec /x /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"')
->withCommand('upgrade', 'msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"')
->withCommand('downgrade', null, 'remove')
->withCommand('downgrade', null, 'install');
echo $_package->show();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<packages:packages xmlns:packages="http://www.wpkg.org/packages" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/packages xsd/packages.xsd">
<package id="wpkg1" name="Windows Packager sample 1" revision="1" priority="0" reboot="false">
<check type="registry" condition="exists" path="HKLM\Software\wpkg\full\key\not\part\of\it"/>
<check type="file" condition="exists" path="C:\wpkg\wpkg.bat"/>
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="WPKG 0.6-test1"/>
<variable name="PROG_FILES32" value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%" architecture="x64"/>
<variable name="DESKTOP" value="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop" os="Windows xp"/>
<command type="install" cmd='msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"' include="test">
<exit code="0"/>
<exit code="3010" reboot="true"/>
<exit code="any"/>
<exit code="2"/>
<command type="remove" cmd='msiexec /x /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"'/>
<command type="upgrade" cmd='msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"'/>
<command type="downgrade" include="remove"/>
<command type="downgrade" include="install"/>
Packages.xml file
If you need one large file with all your packages:
use \WPKG\Package;
use \WPKG\PackageCheckExits;
use \WPKG\Packages;
// Root container
$_packages = new Packages();
* Test package #1
$pk1 = new Package();
$pk1->with('id', 'time')
->with('name', 'Time Synchronization')
->with('priority', 100)
->with('execute', 'always')
->withCheck('host', 'os', 'windows 7')
->withCommand('install', 'net time \\timeserver /set /yes');
* Test package #2
$pk2 = new Package();
$pk2_exits = new PackageCheckExits();
// We need set exit codes for some installation stages
->add(3010, true)
$pk2->with('id', 'wpkg')
->with('name', 'Windows Packager sample 1')
->with('revision', 1)
->with('priority', 0)
->with('reboot', 'false')
->withCheck('registry', 'exists', 'HKLM\Software\wpkg\full\key\not\part\of\it')
->withCheck('file', 'exists', 'C:\wpkg\wpkg.bat')
->withCheck('uninstall', 'exists', 'WPKG 0.6-test1')
->withCommand('install', 'msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"', 'test', $pk2_exits)
->withCommand('remove', 'msiexec /x /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"')
->withCommand('upgrade', 'msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"')
->withCommand('downgrade', null, 'remove')
->withCommand('downgrade', null, 'install');
* Test package #3
$pk3 = new Package();
$pk3->with('id', 'time3')
->with('name', 'Time Synchronization')
->with('priority', 100)
->with('execute', 'always')
->withCheck('host', 'os', 'windows 7')
->withCommand('install', 'net time \\timeserver /set /yes');
echo $_packages->show();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<packages:packages xmlns:packages="http://www.wpkg.org/packages" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wpkg.org/packages xsd/packages.xsd">
<package id="time" name="Time Synchronization" priority="100" execute="always">
<check type="host" condition="os" path="windows 7"/>
<command type="install" cmd="net time \timeserver /set /yes"/>
<package id="wpkg" name="Windows Packager sample 1" revision="1" priority="0" reboot="false">
<check type="registry" condition="exists" path="HKLM\Software\wpkg\full\key\not\part\of\it"/>
<check type="file" condition="exists" path="C:\wpkg\wpkg.bat"/>
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="WPKG 0.6-test1"/>
<command type="install" cmd="msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi"" include="test">
<exit code="0"/>
<exit code="3010" reboot="true"/>
<exit code="any"/>
<exit code="2"/>
<command type="remove" cmd="msiexec /x /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi""/>
<command type="upgrade" cmd="msiexec /i /qn "%SOFTWARE%\path\to\msi""/>
<command type="downgrade" include="remove"/>
<command type="downgrade" include="install"/>
<package id="time3" name="Time Synchronization" priority="100" execute="always">
<check type="host" condition="os" path="windows 7"/>
<command type="install" cmd="net time \timeserver /set /yes"/>
How to import existed XML
Import Config.xml file
First you need enable the importer class
use \WPKG\Drivers\XMLImport;
// Create new object
$_import = new XMLImport();
// Content of hosts file
$_hosts_file = file_get_contents('config.xml');
// Read and parse file to normal format
$_hosts = $_import->import($_hosts_file);
// Print array to stdOut
Now inside $_hosts
variable you can find the \WPKG\Hosts object with all hosts which was imported.
Same operation for all other configurations, library can check which config you are loaded.
Get Support!
- Discord - Join us on Discord.
- GitHub Issues - Got issues? Please tell us!
- Roadmap - Want to contribute? Get involved!
Some links
- Main the WPKG website - https://wpkg.org/
- WPKG documentation page - https://wpkg.org/Documentation
- Article on Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WPKG_(software)