
A Tailwind CSS preset for Laravel.

laravel, preset, tailwind, tailwindcss, laravel-frontend-presets, laravel-mix, presets, purgecss, vuejs


Tailwind CSS Laravel Front-end Preset

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This is a Laravel front-end preset for Tailwind CSS. This preset replaces the default Bootstrap scaffolding, including the example Vue.js component. It also compiles the assets using Laravel Mix for convenience and PurgeCSS to generate the smallest files possible.

Deprecation Notice – As of Laravel 6, all front-end presets have been extracted into the laravel/ui repository. In soon time, a Tailwind preset by the maintainers of Laravel will be created. I will maintain development of this package until a Tailwind preset is created, after which this repository will be archived.

The reason I am confident in doing this is because I would think that an official Tailwind CSS preset would include a well-thought, elegant design. If, however, I am not a fan of the design, I would have no problem with continuing to maintain this package.

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Laravel presets are meant to be used with a fresh installation of Laravel. Installing this preset will overwrite your existing views and assets. Please install with caution.


To install this preset, you must first require the composer dependency in your application. Laravel will automatically register the service provider for you.

composer require zaknesler/tailwind-preset

Now, install either the tailwind or the tailwind-auth preset. The tailwind-auth preset includes the authentication scaffolding normally generated when php artisan make:auth is executed.

php artisan preset tailwind

// or

php artisan preset tailwind-auth

Note: If you install the tailwind-auth preset on a version of Laravel that is older than 5.7, you may delete the views/auth/verify.blade.php file, as it will not be used.

Install the NPM packages using your favorite package manager.

yarn // npm install

Now you can compile the assets using any of the Laravel build scripts (dev, prod, watch).

yarn dev // npm run dev

Ensure that your database is properly configured and migrated, and you're done!


All of the text in the views that this preset provides are configured to be easily translatable. When you install the tailwind-auth preset, the file en.json will be copied into your application's resources/lang directory.

This file includes all of the text found in this package. To update the default English text, simply update the values of any of the key-value pairs. To translate into a different language, duplicate en.json and rename it to {locale}.json; you can then translate the values into the destination language. For more about localization, please refer to the Laravel documentation.


To ensure proper guide highlighting in your text editor, it is recommended that you add the following to the end of the .editorconfig file:

indent_style = space
indent_size = 2

Alternatively, you may reindent both files to use an indent size of four, which is the default in a Laravel project.