
will join differently your tables with eloquent

database, orm, sql, laravel, join, eloquent, eloquent-join


Use joint with Eloquent easily

Here is how this package will be useful :) :

  • Facilitated how to write join in your codes.
  • Make aliases in your tables during your queries.
  • Retrieve data from a query as a entity.

Start by downloading the package first

composer require zonkedcode/eloquent-join

Register the service in your application configuration Config\app.php :


Publish the package configuration :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=eloquent-join

The package subtracts the names of aliases from names of your models. By default it takes into account a single character, you are free to specify the number of characters to take into account in the configuration of the package config\eloquent-join.php.

Using the package

All your models must use the trait EloquentJoin\EloquentJoinBuilder


namespace App\User;

use EloquentJoin\EloquentJoinBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
   use EloquentJoinBuilder; 

Said it's not boring, thankfully the package saves you time by adding artisan commands following :

  1. Creating a model by automatically adding this trait
php artisan join:model Post
  1. Creating an entity :
php artisan join:entity Post
  1. Creating a repository :
php artisan join:repository Post
  1. Creating a full model: This command combines the three commands above.
php artisan join:init Post

You wonder by chance what is the order join:repository

When you are building a Laravel application, do you often wonder how to organize my codes? Very good question, the package advises you to create a repository file for each model. It is now in this repository file that you will start writing all of your methods that interact with your tables.

If you want to give a custom alias name to a model :


namespace App\User;

use EloquentJoin\EloquentJoinBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
   use EloquentJoinBuilder; 

   * The attribute will contain alias table.
   * @var mixed
   protected $aliasTable = 'use';

If you initialize this variable to false, you do not want to just have an alias


namespace App\User;

use EloquentJoin\EloquentJoinBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
   use EloquentJoinBuilder; 

    * The attribute will contain alias table.
    * @var mixed
   protected $aliasTable = false;

You have the full possibility of customizing the length of an alias for a model.


namespace App\User;

use EloquentJoin\EloquentJoinBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
   use EloquentJoinBuilder; 

    * The attribute will contain length alias table.
    * @var int
   protected $aliasLength = 3;

How to join

Imagine we have this relationship in our database



We want to recover all Posts created by users

So the package requires us to save this join description in a model between the two usually the one that serves as a parent.


namespace App\User;

use EloquentJoin\EloquentJoinBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
   use EloquentJoinBuilder; 

    * We record the description of the joint.
    * @return \EloquentJoin\Relations\HasJoin
   public function post()
      return $this->hasInnerJoin(\App\Post::class);

Methods available :

  • hasRightJoin,
  • hasLeftJoin,
  • hasInnerJoin,

Now when we call this method at runtime, the package will convert this description to an SQL query. It does the matching by taking the primary key of the model User and the foreign key in the format user_id.

Either you specify them simply :


namespace App\User;

use EloquentJoin\EloquentJoinBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
   use EloquentJoinBuilder; 

    * We record the description of the joint.
    * @return \EloquentJoin\Relations\HasJoin
   public function post()
      return $this->hasInnerJoin(\App\Post::class, 'u.id', 'p.user_id', '=');

You have to put the keys by specifying tables or aliases if you had allowed it. The fourth parameter is the comparison of the join, if you do not specify the equality (=) is default.

Using join in our queries

We call the static withJoin method by setting the names of your joins.

Example 1


Example 2 :

App\User::withJoin('post', 'account')
	->where('p.title', 'Thanks')

Use of entities

If you want to recover the data as an entity, you must first dispose of this file using previously viewed commands.

Then you create properties in the entity that correspond to the fields in the table as well as getters.


class UserEntity
   private $id;
   private $name;
   private $created_at;

    * Get Id 
   public function getId()
      return $this->id;

    * Get Name 
   public function getName()
      return $this->name;

    * Get Created_at 
   public function getCreatedAt()
      return $this->created_at;

Now we call the getEntity method to retrieve data as an entity :


This method getEntity tries to find the entity file that corresponds to the model in question and makes a reflection by initializing all the properties that correspond to the field names of the table.

You can simply mean the properties to initialize.


This note is an English translation, I think this package will almost overcome your problems under Eloquent ORM.

All your concerns at chriskuika12@gmail.com