
puppet module install abuxton-puppet_ds --version 1.0.1



Puppet Directory Service

The Puppet_ds module encapsulates usage of the rbac_api/v1/ds end point https://puppet.com/docs/pe/2017.3/rbac_api_v1_directory.html#put-dsfor configuring usage of a Directory Service (DS) for Role Based Access and Control(RBAC) of the Puppet Console.

The v 0.1.0, version of this is Puppet Task based only.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet_ds
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The module provides capabilities to use [https://puppet.com/docs/pe/2017.3/rbac_api_v1_directory.html#put-ds] (https://puppet.com/docs/pe/2017.3/rbac_api_v1_directory.html#put-ds) to get, set and test the directory services with a Puppet Task or by directly using the scripts provided as tasks during bootstrap and install of the Puppet Enterprise server.


What puppet_ds affects OPTIONAL

Setup Requirements OPTIONAL

You will need a active and reachable Directory Service, the documentation and test data uses a publicly WWW hosted DS service.

You will need to install Bolt as part of your bootstrap stage or provide matching environment variables and execute the shell scripts directly.

Beginning with puppet_ds

Review the data scheme of the DS json Puppet requires.

 {"schema" : {
       "help_link" : [ "maybe", "Str" ],
       "ssl" : "Bool",
       "(optional-key :ssl_hostname_validation)" : [ "maybe", "Bool" ],
       "group_name_attr" : "Str",
       "password" : [ "maybe", "Str" ],
       "group_rdn" : [ "maybe", "Str" ],
       "connect_timeout" : [ "maybe", "Int" ],
       "(optional-key :start_tls)" : [ "maybe", "Bool" ],
      "user_display_name_attr" : "Str",
       "hostname" : "Str",
       "base_dn" : "Str",
       "user_lookup_attr" : "Str",
       "port" : "Int",
       "login" : [ "maybe", "Str" ],
       "group_lookup_attr" : "Str",
       "(optional-key :disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain)" : [ "maybe", "Bool" ],
       "group_member_attr" : "Str",
       "(optional-key :id)" : [ "eq", 1 ],
       "(optional-key :ssl_wildcard_validation)" : [ "maybe", "Bool" ],
       "user_email_attr" : "Str",
       "(optional-key :search_nested_groups)" : [ "maybe", "Bool" ],
       "user_rdn" : [ "maybe", "Str" ],
       "group_object_class" : [ "maybe", "Str" ],
       "display_name" : "Str",
       "(optional-key :type)" : [ "maybe", [ "enum", "activedirectory", "openldap", "apacheds" ] ]


Currently the module only supports Puppet Tasks see https://puppet.com/docs/bolt/0.x/bolt_running_tasks.html for more information on running the provided tasks.


The tasks provided will only work on a server configured as the Puppet Enterprise server or MOM.


Pull requests welcome.


  • Create puppet_ds resources equivalent to all tasks.

Release Notes/Contributors/Etc. Optional

If you aren't using changelog, put your release notes here (though you should consider using changelog). You can also add any additional sections you feel are necessary or important to include here. Please use the ## header.