
manages the nscd service and configuration

redhat, nscd, centos
puppet module install arusso-nscd --version 0.0.2


nscd Module


This module installs, configures and manages the service of nscd.


To use this class, you need only interact with the nscd class. It supports parameterized class, as well as via Hiera key/values in versions 2.7+ of Puppet.

Class parameters always follow the convention ${service}_${setting}, where ${service} is one of the cache (service) names. ${setting} is the cache setting name, with the dash (-) character replaced with the underscore character (_).

Hiera keys follow the same convention as above, except being located in the nscd namespace. For example, the parameter netgroup_enable_cache would be the Hiera key nscd::netgroup_enable_cache.

In addition, the following Hiera keys are available for use to control the nscd service.

  • service_enable : <true|false|undef> : If set to true, the service is set to be enabled at boot time. If false, the service is disabled at boot. If set to undef, the boot state is not managed by Puppet.

  • service_ensure : <running|stopped|undef> : If set to running, state of service is ensured to be running. Likewise for stopped, service is ensured to be stopped. undef will prevent Puppet from managing the service state.

note: Refactoring of the code to make these class parameters is on the radar, but likely not to happen unless someone asks for it. Pull requests happily accepted.


The following services are supported:

  • passwd : the passwd (/etc/passwd) service cache
  • group : the group (/etc/group) service cache
  • hosts : the hosts (/etc/hosts) service cache
  • services : the services (/etc/services) service cache
  • netgroup : the netgroup (/etc/netgroup) service cache


The following settings are supported for each service. If left unspecified, the a parameter value will default to the settings of your distributions default config.

  • enable_cache : <yes|no> : turn the cache.
  • positive_time_to_live : <integer> : ttl of positive cache entries.
  • negative_time_to_live : <integer> : ttl of negative cache entries.
  • suggested_size : <integer> : internal hash table size. should be a prime number.
  • check_files : <yes|no> : check the local service file for changes.
  • persistent : <yes|no> : retain the database across server restarts.
  • shared : <yes|no> : provide direct memory access for a service's database.
  • max_db_size : <integer> : maximum size (in bytes) of the db file.
  • auto-propagate <yes|no> : (passwd and group only) when set to no, byname requests are not add to the byuid and bygid caches.


Hiera Example

# in manifest
include nscd

# in hiera
nscd::service_ensure: 'undef'
nscd::passwd_check_files: no
nscd::services_max_db_size: 102400
nscd::netgroup_enable_cache: no

Non-Hiera Example

class { 'nscd':
  passwd_positive_time_to_live = 600,
  passwd_negative_time_to_live = 300,
  service_ensure => 'undef',
  netgroup_enable_cache = 'no',


See LICENSE file


Copyright © 2014 The Regents of the University of California


Aaron Russo


Please log tickets and issues at the Projects site