
StoRM puppet module

puppet module install cnafsd-storm --version 0.4.0


StoRM puppet module

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility


StoRM Puppet module allows administrators to easily configure StoRM services. Currently, the supported services are:

  • StoRM Backend
  • StoRM Frontend
  • StoRM WebDAV
  • StoRM Globus GridFTP server


StoRM Puppet module is available on puppet forge:

puppet module install cnafsd-storm

You can also build and install module from source code as follow:

git clone
cd storm-puppet-module
puppet module build
puppet module install ./pkg/cnafsd-storm-*.tar.gz


With this Puppet module, administrators can configure StoRM services. Some utility classes are also provided to configure users, storage directories and pool accounts, if needed.

StoRM Backend component

StoRM Backend class:

  • installs:
    • storm-backend-mp and all the releated packages;
    • storm-dynamic-info-provider;
    • MySQL community client;
    • MySQL community server (if enabled);
  • creates and initializes StoRM database;
  • configures storm-backend-server service;
  • configures storm-info-provider.

The main StoRM Backend configuration parameters are:

  • hostname: StoRM Backend Fully Qualified Domain Name. Required.
  • db_username and db_password: database credentials. Default values are username storm and password storm.
  • install_native_libs_gpfs: Set this if you need to install storm-native-libs-gpfs. Default value: false.
  • mysql_server_install: Set this if you need to install and configure a MySQL server. Default value: false.
  • mysql_server_root_password: Set this if you have set mysql_server_install to true. Default value: storm.
  • synchcall_xmlrpc_security_token: The token that the backend will require to be present for accepting XML-RPC requests. It must be equal to the one defined for StoRM Frontend. Default value: secret.
  • srm_pool_members: the list of Storm::Backend::SrmPoolMember elements (more info below). Required even if Frontend and Backend are on the same host.
  • frontend_public_host: StoRM Frontend hostname in case of a single Frontend StoRM deployment, StoRM Frontends DNS alias in case of a multiple Frontends StoRM deployment. Default value is the value of hostname parameter.
  • gsiftp_pool_members: the list of Storm::Backend::GsiftpPoolMember elements (more info below). Required even if GridFTP and Backend are on the same host.
  • webdav_pool_members: the list of Storm::Backend::WebdavPoolMember elements (more info below). Required even if WebDAV and Backend are on the same host.
  • storage_areas: the list of Storm::Backend::StorageArea elements (more info below).

The Info Provider related parameters are:

  • info_sitename: A string that stands for the name of the site. Default: StoRM site.
  • info_storage_default_root: The default storage area root directory. Default: /storage.
  • info_endpoint_quality_level: Endpoint maturity level to be published by the Info Provider. Optional variable. Default value: 2.

Other StoRM Backend configuration parameters:

  • mysql_server_override_options: Configure MySQL Server with your personal needs by overriding options. Read more on the related MySQL Puppet module documentation.
  • xroot_hostname: Root server (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on its configuration. Default value is the value of hostname parameter.
  • xroot_port: Root server port (default value for all Storage Areas). Default value: 1094.
  • gsiftp_pool_balance_strategy: Load balancing strategy for GridFTP server pool (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on its configuration. Available values: round-robin, smart-rr, random, weight. Default value: round-robin.
  • transfer_protocols: List of supported (and published) transfer protocols (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on its configuration. Default value: ['file', 'gsiftp'].
  • fs_type: File System Type (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on its configuration. Available values: posixfs, gpfs and test. Default value: posixfs.
  • frontend_port: StoRM Frontend service port. Optional variable. Default value: 8444.
  • synchcall_xmlrpc_unsecure_server_port: Port to listen on for incoming XML-RPC connections from Frontends(s). Default: 8080.
  • synchcall_xmlrpc_maxthread: Number of threads managing XML-RPC connection from Frontends(s). A well sized value for this parameter have to be at least equal to the sum of the number of working threads in all Frontend(s). Default: 256.
  • synchcall_xmlrpc_max_queue_size: Number of queued threads managing XML-RPC connection from Frontends(s). Default: 1000.
  • synchcall_xmlrpc_security_enabled: Whether the backend will require a token to be present for accepting XML-RPC requests. Default: true.
  • ptg_skip_acl_setup: Skip ACL setup for prepareToGet requests. Default: false.
  • sanity_check_enabled: Enable|Disable sanity checks on bootstrap phase. Default: true.
  • synchcall_max_ls_entries: Maximum number of entries returned by an srmLs call. Since in case of recursive srmLs results can be in order of million, this prevent a server overload. Default: 2000.
  • rest_services_port: StoRM backend server rest port. Optional variable. Default value: 9998.
  • rest_services_max_threads: Number of threads managing REST connections. Default: 100.
  • rest_services_max_queue_size: Number of queued threads managing REST connections. Default: 1000.
  • service_du_enabled: Flag to enable disk usage service. Default: false.
  • service_du_delay: The initial delay before the service is started (seconds). Default: 60.
  • service_du_interval The interval in seconds between successive run. Default: 360.
  • gc_pinnedfiles_cleaning_delay: Initial delay before starting the reserved space, JIT ACLs and pinned files garbage collection process, in seconds. Default: 10.
  • gc_pinnedfiles_cleaning_interval: Time interval in seconds between successive purging run. Default: 300.
  • gc_purge_enabled: Enable the request garbage collector. Default: true.
  • gc_purge_interval: Time interval in seconds between successive purging run. Default: 600.
  • gc_purge_size: Number of requests picked up for cleaning from the requests garbage collector at each run. This value is use also by Tape Recall Garbage Collector. Default: 800.
  • gc_expired_request_time: Time in seconds to consider a request expired after its submission. Default: 604800 seconds (1 week). From StoRM 1.11.13 it is used also to identify how much time is needed to consider a completed recall task as cleanable.
  • gc_expired_inprogress_time: Time in seconds to consider an in-progress ptp request as expired. Default: 2592000 seconds (1 month).
  • gc_ptp_transit_interval: Time interval in seconds between successive expired put requests agent run. Default: 3000.
  • gc_ptp_transit_start_delay: Initial delay before starting the expired put requests agent process, in seconds. Default: 60.
  • extraslashes_file: Add extra slashes after the “authority” part of a TURL for file protocol. Defaul: ''.
  • extraslashes_root: Add extra slashes after the “authority” part of a TURL for xroot protocol. Default: /.
  • extraslashes_gsiftp: Add extra slashes after the “authority” part of a TURL for gsiftp protocol. Default: /.
  • db_connection_pool_enabled: Enable the database connection pool. Default: true.
  • db_connection_pool_max_active: Database connection pool max active connections. Default: 10.
  • db_connection_pool_max_wait: Database connection pool max wait time to provide a connection. Default: 50
  • pinlifetime_default: Default PinLifetime in seconds used for pinning files in case of srmPrepareToPut or srmPrepareToGet operation without any pinLifetime specified. Default: 259200.
  • pinlifetime_maximum: Maximum PinLifetime allowed in seconds. Default: 1814400.
  • directory_automatic_creation: Flag to enable automatic missing directory creation upon srmPrepareToPut requests. Default: false.
  • directory_writeperm: Flag to enable directory write permission setting upon srmMkDir requests on created directories. Default: false.
  • asynch_db_reconnect_period: Database connection refresh time intervall in seconds. Default: 18000.
  • asynch_db_delay_period: Database connection refresh initial delay in seconds. Default: 30.
  • asynch_picking_initial_delay: Initial delay before starting to pick requests from the DB, in seconds. Default: 1.
  • asynch_picking_time_interval: Polling interval in seconds to pick up new SRM requests. Default: 2.
  • asynch_picking_max_batch_size: Maximum number of requests picked up at each polling time. Default: 100.
  • requests_scheduler_core_size: Crusher Scheduler worker pool base size. Default: 50.
  • requests_scheduler_max_size: Crusher Schedule worker pool max size. Default: 200.
  • requests_scheduler_queue_size: Request queue maximum size. Default: 2000.
  • ptp_requests_scheduler_core_size: PrepareToPut worker pool base size. Default: 50.
  • ptp_requests_scheduler_max_size: PrepareToPut worker pool max size. Default: 200.
  • ptp_requests_scheduler_queue_size: PrepareToPut request queue maximum size. Default: 1000.
  • ptg_requests_scheduler_core_size: PrepareToGet worker pool base size. Default: 50.
  • ptg_requests_scheduler_max_size: PrepareToGet worker pool max size. Default: 200.
  • ptg_requests_scheduler_queue_size: PrepareToGet request queue maximum size. Default: 2000.
  • bol_requests_scheduler_core_size: BringOnline worker pool base size. Default: 50.
  • bol_requests_scheduler_max_size: BringOnline Worker pool max size. Default: 200.
  • bol_requests_scheduler_queue_size: BringOnline request queue maximum size. Default: 2000.
  • jvm_options: JVM options. Default: -Xms512m -Xmx512m.
  • jmx: Flag to enable JMX options. Default: false.
  • jmx_options: Default:
  • lcmaps_db_file: LCMPAS configuration file. Default: /etc/storm/backend-server/lcmaps.db.
  • lcmaps_policy_name: LCMAPS policy name. Default: standard.
  • lcmaps_log_file: LCMAPS logging file. Default: /var/log/storm/lcmaps.log.
  • lcmaps_debug_level: LCMAPS debug level. Default: 0.

Example of StoRM Backend configuration:

class { 'storm::backend':
  hostname              => backend.test.example,
  mysql_server_install  => true,
  frontend_public_host  => frontend.test.example,
  transfer_protocols    => ['file', 'gsiftp', 'webdav'],
  xmlrpc_security_token => 'NS4kYAZuR65XJCq',
  service_du_enabled    => true,
  srm_pool_members      => [
      'hostname' => frontend.test.example,
  gsiftp_pool_members   => [
      'hostname' => gridftp.test.example,
  webdav_pool_members   => [
      'hostname' => wendav.test.example,
  storage_areas         => [
      'name'          => 'dteam-disk',
      'root_path'     => '/storage/disk',
      'access_points' => ['/disk'],
      'vos'           => ['dteam'],
      'online_size'   => 40,
      'name'          => 'dteam-tape',
      'root_path'     => '/storage/tape',
      'access_points' => ['/tape'],
      'vos'           => ['dteam'],
      'online_size'   => 40,
      'nearline_size' => 80,
      'fs_type'       => 'gpfs',
      'storage_class' => 'T1D0',

StoRM Frontend component

The main StoRM Frontend configuration parameters are:

  • be_xmlrpc_host: StoRM Backend Fully Qualified Domain Name. Required.
  • be_xmlrpc_token: Token used for communicating with Backend service. Default: secret.
  • db_host: Host for database connection. Default is set to be_xmlrpc_host value.
  • db_user: User for database connection. Default is storm.
  • db_passwd: Password for database connection. Default is storm.

Other StoRM Frontend configuration parameters:

  • port: Frontend service port. Default is 8444.
  • be_xmlrpc_port: Backend XML-RPC server port. Default is 8080.
  • be_xmlrpc_path: XML-RPC server path. Default is /RPC2.
  • be_recalltable_port: REST server port running on the Backend machine. Default is 9998.
  • threadpool_maxpending: Size of the internal queue used to maintain SRM tasks in case there are no free worker threads. Default is 200.
  • threadpool_threads_number: Size of the worker thread pool. Default is 50.
  • gsoap_maxpending: Size of the GSOAP queue used to maintain pending SRM requests. Default is 1000.
  • check_user_blacklisting: Enable/disable user blacklisting. Default is false.
  • argus_pepd_endpoint: The complete service endpoint of Argus PEP server. Mandatory if check_user_blacklisting is true.
  • monitoring_enabled: Enable/disable monitoring. Default is true.
  • monitoring_time_interval: Time interval in seconds between each monitoring round. Default is 60.
  • monitoring_detailed: Enable/disable detailed monitoring. Default is false.
  • security_enable_mapping: Flag to enable/disable DN-to-userid mapping via gridmap-file. Default is false.
  • security_enable_vomscheck: Flag to enable/disable checking proxy VOMS credentials. Default is true.
  • log_debuglevel: Logging level. Possible values are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2. Default is INFO.
  • gridmap_dir: Gridmap directory path. Defailt value is: /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir.
  • gridmap_file: Gridmap file path. Defailt value is: /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile.

Example of StoRM Frontend configuration:

class { 'storm::frontend':
  be_xmlrpc_host  => 'backend.test.example',
  be_xmlrpc_token => 'NS4kYAZuR65XJCq',
  db_host         => 'backend.test.example',
  db_user         => 'storm',
  db_passwd       => 'storm',

Check here for all Frontend class options.

StoRM WebDAV component

The main StoRM WebDAV configuration parameters are:

  • storage_areas: the list of Storm::Webdav::StorageArea elements (more info below).
  • oauth_issuers: the list of Storm::Webdav::OAuthIssuer elements that means the supported OAuth providers (more info below).
  • hostnames: the list of hostname and aliases supported for Third-Party-Copy.
  • http_port and https_port: the service ports. Default: 8085, 8443.

The Storm::Webdav::StorageArea type :

  • name: The name of the storage area. Required.
  • root_path: The path of the storage area root directory. Required.
  • access_points: A list of logic path used to access storage area's root. Required.
  • vos: A list of one or more Virtual Organization names of the users allowed to read/write into the storage area. Required.
  • orgs: A list of one or more Organizations. Optional. Default: ''.
  • authenticated_read_enabled: A boolean value used to enable the read of the storage area content to authenticated users. Optional. Default: false.
  • anonymous_read_enabled: A boolean value used to enable anonymous read access to storage area content. Optional. Default: false.
  • vo_map_enabled: A boolean value used to enable the use of the VO gridmap files. Optional. Default: false.
  • vo_map_grants_write_access: A boolean value used to grant write access to the VO users read from gridmap file. Optional. Default: false.
  • orgs_grant_write_permission: A boolean value used to grant write access to the members of the organizations defined with orgs. Optional. Default: false.

The Storm::Webdav::OAuthIssuer type:

  • name: the organization name. Required.
  • issuer: the issuer URL. Required.

Example of StoRM WebDAV configuration:

class { 'storm::webdav':
  storage_areas => [
      name                       => 'test.vo',
      root_path                  => '/storage/test.vo',
      access_points              => ['/test.vo'],
      vos                        => ['test.vo'],
      name                       => 'test.vo.2',
      root_path                  => '/storage/test.vo.2',
      access_points              => ['/test.vo.2'],
      vos                        => ['test.vo.2'],
      authenticated_read_enabled => true,
  hostnames => ['', ''],

Check here for all WebDAV class options.

StoRM GridFTP component

The StoRM GridFTP configuration parameters are:

  • port: the port used by GridFTP server service. Default: 2811.
  • port_range: the range of ports used by transfer sockets; format is 'MIN,MAX'. Default: '20000,25000'.
  • connections_max: the number of max allowed connections to server. Default: 2000.
  • redirect_lcmaps_log: If true, redirect the LCMAPS log to the file specified by llgt_log_file. Default: false.
  • llgt_log_file: The LCMAPS log file used if redirect_lcmaps_log is true. Default: '/var/log/storm/storm-gridftp-lcmaps.log'.

Other StoRM GridFTP configuration parameters:

  • log_single: Session log file path. Default is: /var/log/storm/storm-gridftp-session.log.
  • log_transfer: Transfer log file path. Default is: /var/log/storm/storm-globus-gridftp.log.
  • lcmaps_debug_level: The LCMAPS logging level. Values from 0 (ERROR) to 5 (DEBUG). Default: 3 (INFO).
  • lcas_debug_level: The LCAS logging level. Values from 0 (ERROR) to 5 (DEBUG). Default: 3 (INFO).
  • load_storm_dsi_module: Enable/Disable StoRM DSI module. Default: true (enabled).

Example of StoRM Gridftp configuration:

class { 'storm::gridftp':
  redirect_lcmaps_log => true,
  llgt_log_file       => '/var/log/storm/storm-gridftp-lcmaps.log',

Check here for all GridFTP class options.

StoRM users utility class

To create the default StoRM users and groups you can use the storm::users utility class.


include storm::users

to create default scenario:

  • storm group with id 1100
  • edguser group with id 1101
  • storm user with id 1100, member of storm and edguser groups
  • edguser user with id 1101, member of edguser and storm groups

You can also customize and create your own users and groups as follow:

class { 'storm::users':
  groups => {
    infosys => {
      gid => '996',
  users  => {
    edguser => {
      comment => 'Edguser user',
      groups  => [ edguser, infosys, storm, ],
      uid     => '995',
      gid     => '995',
      home    => '/home/edguser',
    storm   => {
      comment => 'StoRM user',
      groups  => [ storm, edguser, ],
      uid     => '991',
      gid     => '991',
      home    => '/home/storm',

Check here for all the class options.

StoRM storage utility class

To create the root directories of your storage areas, you can use the storm::storage utility class. It's mainly used for test purposes. We expected not to use this class on production.


include storm::storage

to create /storage directory owned by 'storm' user and '755' as permissions. You can specify a different list of directories as follow:

class { 'storm::storage':
  root_directories => [

Check here for all the class options.


You can find all the info about module classes and parameters at:

How to update doc

Update file as follow:

puppet strings generate --format markdown

Update gh-pages branch as follow:

bundle exec rake strings:gh_pages:update


It works only on RedHat CentOS 7 distribution.