
Puppet module for use with Hashicorp Vault

vault, hiera
puppet module install southalc-vault --version 0.1.0



Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Vault Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Reference
  5. Limitations
  6. Development


This module provides functions to integrate Hashicorp Vault with Puppet and uses the main module class to enable issuing and renewing host certificates from a Vault PKI secrets engine. The module has no dependencies other than 'puppetlabs-stdlib' and requires no extra ruby gems on the Puppet server or agents. If you only want to use the functions without issuing host certificates from Vault, add the module to an environment without assigning it to any nodes.

The custom hiera backend vault_hiera_hash enables the puppet server to use a Vault key/value secrets engine as a hiera data_hash. This allows storing multiple key/value pairs on a given Vault path, then using it from hiera much like local YAML files. The function supports both v1 and v2 of the Vault key/value secrets engine and is useful to easily separate secrets from other version controlled hiera data.

The vault_hash and vault_key functions also support Vault key/value secrets engines version 1 and 2, and can be used in manifests to get secrets from Vault. With Puppet agents 6 and later you can also use deferred functions to enable clients to get secrets directly from Vault without passing them through the Puppet server.


Obviously you need to have a working Hashicorp Vault deployment first. Complete the following steps on the Vault server:

  1. Enable a kv secrets engine on path 'puppet/'. This example is for version 1 of the k/v engine:
vault secrets enable -path=puppet -description="Puppet data" -version=1 kv
  1. Use the Vault UI or command line to create a secret under the 'puppet/' path. This example will use the name "common" as the secret name for storing key/value secrets common to all nodes.

  2. Configure Vault to enable authentication with certificates issued by the Puppet certificate authority. From a Puppet node you can reference the Puppet CA certificate from: '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem'. When using PKI authentication, the module functions will authenticate every Vault request independently, so use a low "ttl" value to keep from building up many active Vault tokens. Alternatively, you can generate a permanent Vault token for use with the vault_hiera_hash function as a way to reduce overhead with hiera.

vault auth enable -path=puppet-pki -description="PKI authentication with Puppet certificates" cert
vault write auth/puppet-pki/certs/puppetCA \
  display_name="Puppet CA" \
  policies=puppet \
  certificate=@/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem \
  1. Optionally enable a PKI secrets engine on Vault to serve as a certificate authority and get dynamic provisioning of X.509 certificates.
vault secrets enable -description="PKI service" -path=pki pki

With the 'pki' secrets engine enabled, create a certificate authority for Vault. There are several options to set this up, depending on your security requirements. Choose one of the following methods:

Option 1 - Create a new root CA in Vault. When setting up a root CA, you will likely want to increase the max lifetime of the certificate first. It seems Vault doesn't understand logical units for days or years, so we are forced in to using hours (this example is ~10 years in hours):

vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki

With the max lifetime set to a reasonable value for a root CA, generate the new root certificate in Vault, using the max TTL:

vault write pki/root/generate/internal common_name='Vault Root CA'  ttl=87600h

Option 2 - From Vault, create a certificate signing request for a subordinate certificate authority. Submit the CSR to an external CA for signing, then import the signed certificate into Vault. First, set the max lifetime of certificates to a good working value for a subordinate CA. This example is 5 years, in hours:

vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=43800h pki

Generate the subordinate CSR from Vault, using a common name as you like and using the max TTL we just defined:

vault write pki/intermediate/generate/internal common_name="Sub CA" ttl=43800h

Capture the CSR from the output of the last command and submit it to the upstream CA for signing. When you get the signed certificate back, import the upstream CA certificate into Vault, then import the the signed subordinate CA certificate:

vault write pki/intermediate/set-signed certificate=@signed_certificate.pem

Option 3 - Externally from Vault, generate a signed certificate for a subordinate CA. Create a certificate chain beginning with the private key of the subordinate CA, the signed subordinate certificate, any intermediate CA certificates, and finally the root CA certificate. The private key of the new subordinate CA will need to be in decrypted form for the certificate chain to be imported into to Vault:

vault write pki/config/ca pem_bundle=@subca-chain.pem

With the certificate authority established, define the endpoints for issuing certificates and revocation lists. These can be modified later if needed:

vault write pki/config/urls \
  issuing_certificates="http://vault.example.local:8200/v1/pki/ca" \

Configure one or more roles for the pki service. The role is where the certificate attributes can be defined. Policy can be used to enable access to different roles as needed:

vault write pki/roles/example-local \
  allowed_domains=example.local \
  allow_subdomains=true max_ttl=168h \
  organization=Example \
  ou=Automation \
  country=US \

To view all the possible settings that could be defined by the role:

vault read  pki/roles/example-local

To issue a certificate from the pki service, invoke a write to the role. We'll be using this Puppet module to automate this and to automatically renew certificates as they near the expiration date.

vault write pki/issue/example-local common_name=myhost.example.local
  1. Create a policy on Vault to enable access to Puppet data. This policy example grants read access to everything under the Vault path "puppet/nodes" and the specific Vault path "puppet/common". The "pki/issue/example-local" is granted 'update' access to enable Puppet to obtain PKI certificates from the configured role on the Vault certificate authority. Applying this policy to the 'puppet-pki' authentication path will enable any Puppet certificate to authenticate and access these Vault paths. Review the Vault documentation for managing access to Vault with policies. Save the policy to a file:
path "puppet/nodes/*" {
  capabilities = ["read"]
path "puppet/common" {
  capabilities = ["read"]
path "pki/issue/example-local" {
  capabilities = ["update"]

Write the policy to Vault on the 'puppet-pki' authentication path:

vault policy write puppet-pki <file>


Here are some examples of using the module functions to obtain secrets from Vault. The 'vault_hash' function returns a hash of all keys/values from a Vault server on a given path, authenticating with the 'puppet-pki' method:

$vault_hash = vault_hash('', 'puppet-pki')
notify { 'hash_example' :
  message => $vault_hash,

The 'vault_key' function returns only the value from the specified Vault URI, path, and key:

$vault_value = vault_key('', 'puppet-pki', 'secret_key')
notify { 'key_example' :
  message => $vault_value,

Functions may be deferred so they run from the managed node instead of the Puppet server. This way the secret is passed directly from Vault to the client where it is needed:

$deferred_hash = Deferred('vault_hash', ['', 'puppet-pki'])
notify { 'deferred_example' :
  message => $deferred_hash,

$deferred_value = Deferred('vault_key', ['', 'puppet-pki', 'secret_key'])
notify { 'deferred_example' :
  message => $deferred_value,

Vault as a hiera backend

Configure an environment to use the custom hiera backend by using the 'vault_hiera_hash' function for the data_hash. This enables the Puppet server to lookup all key/value pairs stored on a Vault secrets path in a single lookup. You can also pass an array of 'uris' that may include variable references to be interpolated at runtime. Note that each uri results in a separate Vault request and will incur some overhead on the Puppet server. The 'options' hash requires a 'ca_trust' value, which is the certificate authority chain used to validate the TLS connection to Vault.

  - name: "Secrets from Vault"
    data_hash: vault_hiera_hash
    uri: ""   # Secrets common to all nodes
      timeout: 3
      auth_path: "puppet-pki"
      ca_trust: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"


Should work with all supported releases of Puppet server, but has been only minimally tested. Deferred functinos require Puppet 6 or later.