
Puppet module for managing puppet.conf

puppet module install spy-puppet_conf --version 1.0.3


Manage puppet.conf

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet_conf
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Licensing information


This Puppet module provides a puppet_conf resource type for managing the puppet.conf configuration file on a per-entry basis.

The module also supplies a puppet_conf class for convenient Hiera-based management of Puppet configuration across infrastructure.


Setup Requirements

This module depends on the puppetlabs/inifile module.

Beginning with puppet_conf

The puppet_conf type operates on the configuration file determined by the puppet_config fact.

The following example manages a runinterval entry of value 15m in the [agent] section:

puppet_conf { 'agent/runinterval':
  value => '15m',


puppet_conf resource type

The puppet_conf resource type has three attributes:

  • name (namevar) – setting to manage, in section/setting notation;
  • ensure (default: present) – manages a setting as present or absent;
  • value – value for the setting; if set to undef, the behavior is to remove the setting.

This resource type may serve as an example of implementing a child provider as described in documentation to the puppetlabs/inifile module.

puppet_conf class

The puppet_conf class has two attributes:

  • purge_unmanaged (default: false) – purge unmanaged entries from puppet.conf;
  • entries (default: {}) – hash of section-keyed setting-value hashes; use undef (null or ~ in Hiera) for a value to remove a setting.

Please look at the last two examples below to get a visual idea of what the entries hash would look like.


Remember the last used environment:

puppet_conf { 'main/environment':
  value => $server_facts['environment'],

Remove a configuration entry:

puppet_conf { 'main/static_catalogs':
  ensure => absent,

Purge all settings not explicitly managed by Puppet:

resources { 'puppet_conf':
  purge => true,

Manage several settings in different sections via the helper class using a nested hash:

class { 'puppet_conf':
  entries => {
    'main'  => {
      'environment'      => 'production',
      'strict_variables' => true,
    'agent' => {
      'certname'    => 'example.com',
      'runinterval' => '15m',

Store complete Puppet configuration in Hiera with deep merging (relevant parts only):

# manifests/site.pp - entryway manifest

# common.yaml - Hiera top-level settings

  - puppet_conf

      strategy: deep

puppet_conf::purge_unmanaged: true
    server: puppet.example.com
    environment: production
    strict_variables: true
    certname: "%{::trusted.certname}"
    runinterval: 15m
# nodes/dev.yaml - node-specific settings

# deep merge strategy will override the corresponding
# environment setting from the top-level common.yaml
# (given that per-node configurations take precedence)
    environment: development


The puppet_conf resource type is a thin syntactic sugar wrapper around the ini_setting type; all of its limitations and incompatibilities apply.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.