
AMR Summary combines the outputs from ResFinder and MOB-recon to report on plasmid-borne AMR genes

pip install AMR-Summary==0.0.1



AMR Summary combines the outputs from ResFinder and MOB-recon to yield reports with genes AMR resistance phenotypes, and whether they are present on plasmids.


AMR_Summary can be installed using conda

Skip this step if you have already installed conda

wget -O;
bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda
conda update -q conda


You can now install the AMR_Summary package:

conda install -c olc-bioinformatics amr_summary

If you encounter the following error:

PackageNotFoundError: Packages missing in current channels:

You need to add one or more of the following channels to your conda install:

  • conda-forge
  • bioconda
  • olcbioinformatics

To see which channels you currently have:

conda config --show channels

To install the missing channel(s)

conda config --append channels olcbioinformatics
conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda config --append channels bioconda


If you encounter issues with the AMR_Summary package, tests are available to ensure that the installation was successful and your credentials are valid.

You will need to clone this repository and run the tests with pytest:

git clone

cd AMR_Summary

python -m pytest tests/ --cov=amr_summary -s -vvv

Running AMR_Summary


You can be supply absolute, tilde slash, or relative paths or all path arguments

Required Arguments

  • sequence path: name and path of folder containing sequences to process
  • database path: name and path of folder containing ResFinder and MOB-recon databases. Note that you do not need to download these databases. The will be downloaded and initialised as part of the script

Optional Arguments

  • report path: name and path of folder in which reports are to be created. Default is sequence_path/reports
  • debug: print debug-level logs to console
  • version: print version of AMR_Summary

Example command

To process sequence files in FASTA format in the folder ~/Analyses/sequences, use databases in /databases, and place reports in your current working directory

AMR_Summary -s ~/Analyses/sequences -d /databases -r .


usage: AMR_Summary [-h] -s  -d  [-r] [--debug] [-v]

AMR Summary: a pipeline to identify AMR resistance genes located on plasmids
by combining ResFinder and MOB-recon

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s , --sequence_path 
                        Path of folder containing sequence files in FASTA
                        format to process
  -d , --database_path 
                        Path of folder containing ResFinder and MOB-recon
                        databases. If these databases cannot be located, they
                        will be downloaded
  -r , --report_path    Path of folder in which reports are to be created.
                        Default is sequence_path/reports
  --debug               Enable debug-level messages to be printed to the
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit