
Utility that obtains STS credentials and saves your AWS credentials file.

pip install AWS-MFA-Helper==1.1.0


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AWS MFA Helper

Automate obtaining MFA (STS) credentials

This utility will request STS credentials from AWS, then update ~/.aws/credentials with the new credentials. STS credentials are stored in a profile suffixed with -mfa. Then you can switch to the mfa suffexed profile in your AWS client.

If you have TOTP Generator installed this utility will attempt to automate the TOTP code generation (see below).

This utility relies on some custom settings in your AWS config (all are prefixed with helper_). You will need to update your AWS configuration (~/.aws/config) and add the MFA ARN to each profile you want to use this utility with, along with an optional TOTP service name. For example:

[profile my-aws-profile]
helper_mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/your-username
helper_totp_service_name = (Optional: the TOTP service name in TOTP Generatior)

You can install this utility with pip install AWS-MFA-Helper.

Run with the --help flag for more information.